决赛肯定是爆炸! 50M自由泳弗洛伦特·马瑙杜(Florent Manaudou)的预告纪录保持者将与世界上最快的游泳运动员卡莱布·德雷塞尔(Caeleb Dressel)作战。 准备采取行动吧! #ISL #AquaPower#ISL2020#ISwimLeagueS02 #ISwimLeague
标签International Swimming League ISL第2赛季男子50最佳位置的决赛英语国际游泳联盟 国际游泳联盟
It would have been thrilling to see them competing 50m . in LC. In my opinion, Manadou could have beaten him without the advantage of Dressel’s amazing turns.
Dressel knew he was gonna win
Dressel sub 20
Dressel About to go 20.19 watch
Dressel for the win