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18 留言

  1. Ofcourse backstroke.
    Imagine just resting all your weight on the cool water, gently rowing your hands.
    You don't hear any sharp voices, everything rumbling, your ears in the water.
    Finally, there's the moment you just glance at the sky, beautiful yet calm, Infinite yet you can feel it.

    Peace ♥️

  2. I love freestyle and I won the lsssa competition doing it (im in grade 6)

  3. My favorite is breaststroke as it so fun in my opinion, Whats is yours?

  4. The dolphin stroke because it’s a fast way to cross the pool

  5. My favorite is breaststrok because I love the feeling gilding through water
    I like swimming

  6. my favorite stroke is backstroke because it is the first one i learnt

  7. Freestyle is my favorite stroke because I don't have to think about it. It's just "natural."

  8. Freestyle, I just swim and be in quiet water

  9. breast stroke because we do not get tired doing breast stroke.

  10. Backstroke is actually the best and it works great for me ….been a while I quit swimming had some health issues

  11. backstroke because it is esier for me to do it I was on the swim team before

  12. Butterfly: fast and beautiful!

  13. backstroke bc that’s my best stroke so far and i loved maya dirado and missy franklin when they swam

  14. My revered butterfly because butterfly strock is holl body exercise. From upper to lower.

  15. Breaststroke: You're kinda like a frog in the water

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