无需购物,直到跌落,而是在2020年11月27日星期五进行游泳或旱地锻炼,在社交媒体上分享它,您将有机会赢得Garmin Forerunner 745! info️此赠品由Garmin赞助。
标签BlueFriday Garmin GIVEAWAY英语 MySwimPro Smartwatch
无需购物,直到跌落,而是在2020年11月27日星期五进行游泳或旱地锻炼,在社交媒体上分享它,您将有机会赢得Garmin Forerunner 745! info️此赠品由Garmin赞助。
标签BlueFriday Garmin GIVEAWAY英语 MySwimPro Smartwatch
I love swimming because it's the best workout you can get without sweating! I always feel (physically and emotionally) stellar after a good swim.
I love swimming because it challenges me, and it teaches so many great life lessons.
I love swimming because just only the feeling jumping into water and feeling it around my body is amazing and during it my brain are turned off for out of water problems and World
I love swimming because it helps me when I'm angry to came down
Swimming is so much fun I just get lost in my mind while my muscle memory works it magic
I love swimming because when I swim I am focused on only my body movements and the water and also because I want to win
Love t guys
I love swimming because it’s AMAZING! I have fairly weak joints and I’m due to develop arthritis like my family so swimming gives me a chance to keep fit and healthy whilst still keeping the pressure on my body low. It’s also a fascinating sport, combining calisthenics and fitness into one sport so I can be super fit and healthy! Going off on a huge rant but the smooth feeling of the water when my hands glide is phenomenal and I just can’t get enough of that feeling! Not to mention I adore the smell of chlorine!!
I love swimming because it’s going to be my career when I grow up and it makes me happy
What if we don't have smart watch for pool? How can we download workout?
I love swimming because it's completely new to me at 40 years old. It is a great mindful activity because there are so many things to concentrate on. I always leave the pool feeling better than I did before swimming. Looking forward to #BlueFriday
Swimming in the morphsuit was the highlight of my day! #BlueFriday
I swim for love of swimming and exercise!
Hook me up first! Hah
First viewer!