您的游泳池关闭了吗? 呆在家里,享受专为游泳者设计的免费旱地锻炼。 在社交媒体上关注@myswimpro,进行LIVE虚拟会议:美国东部时间上午10点(星期四)–与Fares Ksebati进行“任何询问”会议美国东部时间上午10点(星期日)–虚拟旱地训练营对旱地有疑问或需要一些锻炼技巧吗? 在评论中询问他们,我们将在星期四答复! #MySwimProStrength了解更多信息,请访问www.myswimpro.com/dryland
Can you do another live stream workout those where so much fun to do!
I am out of the pool for two weeks now :( I miss swimming so much! Now I do dryland exercises and meditate imagining that I am swimming.
No Pool = No Excuses!