Ranomi Kromowidjojo与Sarah Sjostrom并肩作战,赢得伦敦的女性皮肤奖。在Twitter上关注@iswimleague,请访问www.isl.global了解更多信息
标签International Swimming League ISL Kromowidjojo诉Sjostrom女子皮肤比赛 伦敦英语国际游泳联盟 全场比赛 国际游泳联盟
Ranomi Kromowidjojo与Sarah Sjostrom并肩作战,赢得伦敦的女性皮肤奖。在Twitter上关注@iswimleague,请访问www.isl.global了解更多信息
标签International Swimming League ISL Kromowidjojo诉Sjostrom女子皮肤比赛 伦敦英语国际游泳联盟 全场比赛 国际游泳联盟
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The women's skins are far more exciting than the men's. IMO Dressel kind off ruined the excitement. It's almost like the directors of the ISL thought:"Can we make an event that Dressel litterally cannot lose? And then we'll give the winner tripple points."
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