游泳 – 蛙泳 – 3-2-1 拉伸 [英语][GoSwim]

无论您是 12 岁还是 52 岁,在蛙泳中充分利用每一次划水都是必不可少的。当您想到从每一次划水中“获得最大收益”时,您必须考虑几个关键问题:您到达哪里; 您在水中的个人资料; 以及您从每次拉动和踢动中获得多少回报。


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20 留言

  1. голову не низко опускает?

  2. 유용한 드릴이네요.Good!

  3. her kicks are amazing ! fighting !

  4. 美式休閒蛙,雖然有敬禮和拉平,但,我還是把它納入12345休閒蛙。。請M.F.JJ.從2:25看到最後。。。。如果,美式休閒蛙,不要敬禮和拉平,蛙手的路逕再修改一下,蛙腳的小腿腳掌再翻一點,就很接近F1蛙式了!。。謝謝。。55DD。。

  5. M.F.JJ.。。蛙手的路逕修改影片,請參考ED Moses影片(F1蛙手路逕影片在哪個段落?請滑動評論找一下解說)。。謝謝!。。55DD。。

  6. 美式休閒蛙,有敬禮和拉平。我把它納入12345休閒蛙。從2:25看到最後。。。。如果不要敬禮拉平,是水平,蛙手的路逕再稍微修改一下,蛙腳小腿腳掌再翻一些,就很接近F1蛙式了。

  7. I hope that this helps me. I have an indoor swim team evaluation soon and I never get this right. Fingers crossed!

  8. Im in a maritime college and this stroke gives me the headache. i know how to do the medieval crawl . but at this stroke i cant keep up with timing and keep my body on the streamline…any tips

  9. I have watched some videos for breaststroke, I think this is more clear.

  10. Breaststoke is my worst stroke and this video helped me a lot :)

  11. Thanks for the tip .I 'll practice more and more ..

  12. Treading water is a sculling skill and a relaxation skill. I'd practice some sculling in the shallow end, and also some breathing exercises in the shallows before you venture to the deep. You can still swim without being good at treading, but if you ever get in trouble, treading water is a great skill to master.

  13. Hi Dear,I'm fifty yrs old (woman and beginning to learn swimming I did try so hard but I 'm kinda a sink-er ,I can do free style now but still scare at the deep end .I can't tread the water yet ,my question is do i have to know to tread the water before to learn any stroke?And if I cant tread that means I cant swim? Any tip? Love to know how to swim .Thanks

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