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将护目镜戴在帽子上? 这是在您潜入之前确保它们正确打开的最佳方法! #shorts MySwimPro 训练应用程序:
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What if you don't have any hair ?
I always split the straps. One at the top of the head and one lower down
Placing them on eye while pulling back is painful…….
Let’s see how to put them on like a regular person. How else do you put them on?
How many time I can be with my googles if it's comfortable?
What kind of googles is that? TIA
please tell buy link for this goggles
Everyone is saying put the straps underneath the cap. I tried that, but the straps help keep my meet cap on because it's not very stretchy, so it slides off a bit easier than the ones I use at practice. I do cap, then goggles. Plus, it's just easier to me to do it that way too
Those are some sick goggles
Love the goggles, I've never seen the lenses designed like that before
Me with my 2 dollars goggles
She forgot to lick them, what is this foolishness?
I used to put them on like that, but I broke them all the time, so I started putting the strap on the back of my head first, and then adjusting them on my eyes.
Like most people, I must replace my goggles every 2 or 3 months.
Imagine how many goggles are either in landfills or making toxic smoke in rural burning barrels.
There really should be a long term solution for chlorine-resistant non-fog goggles that last a few years.
Maybe we should contact Elon Musk. He's adept at solving technological problems.
Shouldn't you put the strap under the head cap? They could fall off like what happened to Lydia Jacoby in the mixed relays at the Tokyo Olympics.
Straps should be under the swim cap for added insurance it doesn’t come off during the plunge
Swedish goggles, let them dig into your eye sockets, never have them fall off again!