自由泳是世界上最受欢迎的游泳泳道,并且是所有游泳者都应重点关注的一项基本技能。 我们坚信,每位游泳运动员在自由泳中至少都有一个可以完善和改进的元素。 ______________________________________________查看完整博客:获取我们的7天游泳更快指南! Sound️
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______________________________________________分析凯蒂·莱德基(Katie Ledecky)的自由泳技巧
如何以完美的技巧游泳蛙泳Sw️____________________________________________ MySwimPro-世界上发展最快的运动的第一健身应用程序! 自2014年以来,我们一直致力于通过游泳帮助各个级别的游泳者过上更加幸福和健康的生活。 如今,超过180个国家/地区的游泳者使用MySwimPro屡获殊荣的移动和可穿戴应用程序访问个性化游泳锻炼计划,训练计划,教育训练和视频,高级分析,并记录和跟踪他们的进度。 MySwimPro可在iOS和Android智能手机和可穿戴设备上访问,并且可以免费开始使用。 它被评为“年度Apple Watch App”,并在《体育画报》等其他国际出版物中得到推荐。 ____________________________________________________________有关更多有用的提示和游泳指南,请访问我们的其他渠道! 博客:Facebook:Instagram:Twitter:SoundCloud:章节:0:00简介0:30身体位置2:30接球4:13轮换5:09呼吸6:28踢7:55静默游泳
definitely not watching this the day of sectionals…
This got pretty religious near the end lol
You just had to add an obnoxious soundtrack
Just restart swimming this last week and I am already in love with the sport. You can do it to
This was very very extremely helpful!! Thank you very much!
Freestyle Swimming broken down and explained to the minutest details. Amazing information
i think this will help me so much thanks man
Really well explained and straight to the point, covering all key aspects. Great stuff! Will put it in practice in my lessons and I wish I had a private pool to do it more, ha!
Wonderful video thank you!
thank you great video
So first time swimming in over 2 years, 200m in 4:30
Want to get this to sub 4 in 5 weeks. Will be swimming twice a week, using this channel as a coach
"Smell the aroma of the chlorine" feels like WWI throwback
Watching this before my lifeguard class I shoulda practiced moreeeee!!!! I think my test is next week atleast
Awesome video I just did a video on tether and current swimming I have so many clients that miss the pools this darn pandemic
Making my swim debut tomorrow, this was super helpful! Thank You
So so helpful, and I especially love your segment on silent swimming. Thank you!
Gr8 vid
Wow this is a great video!
Very good explanation
All this time I thought my swimming was average, now I know I've been making so many mistakes, with what I saw here I'll be better…
Wow… very detailed and insightful for a beginner like me. How do I get a training plan to help improve my swimming techniques?
Swimpro is super good! Because of this video, I became very fast and now I am the top 6 in the team!!!!!! Watch him, he is AMAZING
Thank you so much you really helped me out. God bless you.
Could you please analyze Kira Toussaint backstroke technique ?
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