男子4×100米混合泳接力賽| ISL那不勒斯| [英語][國際游泳聯盟]

#AquaPower #ISL那不勒斯#AquaCenturions Aqua Centurions在4x100m男子混合泳接力賽中奪冠。 欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.isl.global


關於 International Swimming League

國際游泳聯盟是一種全新的,以團隊為基礎的競賽形式,它是世界上最佳的游泳運動員。 在四個國家/地區舉行了六場比賽,以確定參加拉斯維加斯總決賽的最佳四支球隊。

12 留言

  1. Heres a idea isl a mixed relay but instead of pros have kids

  2. I'm confused. What are these teams and how are they selected? Someone explain.

  3. This looks like the set of "Guts" from the 90's … They need to sort out the cheesy concept here

  4. caeleb dressel swam the fly leg not freestyle

  5. Slow relay start in lane one from fly to free. Think they might have taken it had it been faster. But great race.

  6. 1:55 WHAT!!!! Look at how fast dressel gets to 15! That』s INHUMAN

  7. Commentator made a mistake at 3:23, Caeleb dressel swam fly, not free

  8. Where con i watch it live?

  9. Energy Standard would have won with Rylov and Kolesnikov switched but not really a tactical error given Kolesnikov's split from Indianapolis would have been fine too.

  10. Aqua Centurions, plz the names of the swimmers

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