Jerry Frentsos – 仰泳 [英语][GoSwim]


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3 留言

  1. 1
    00:00:00,001 –> 00:00:01,563
    Jerry Frentsos
    제리 프렌쏘스

    00:00:01,627 –> 00:00:04,993
    All right. We can take a look at Jerry's backstroke.
    그럼 이제. 제리의 배영을 살펴보겠습니다.

    00:00:06,093 –> 00:00:09,708
    Began very tight streamline.. nicely done.
    아주 꽉 조인 흐름선(streamline, 스트림라인) 자세로 시작했습니다… 잘 하네요.

    00:00:09,793 –> 00:00:13,042
    And one of the things that we notice is that he's getting rid of a lot of oxygen.
    우리가 주목한 것들 중 하나는 산소를 많이 없애고 있다는 것입니다.

    00:00:13,067 –> 00:00:14,997
    So there're trail of bubbles that's going up.
    줄지어서 올라가는 공기 방울이 보입니다.

    00:00:15,022 –> 00:00:17,287
    If this wasn't 100 IM,
    준비하는 경기가 100 개인혼영이 아니었다면,

    00:00:17,312 –> 00:00:24,578
    we really focus on trying to make sure that he's going to get some… ah… some nose plug or something to hold on to that air,
    우리는 진짜로… 그 공기를 붙잡을 무언가… 제리에게 코마개 같은 것을 착용하게 하는 데 집중했을 것입니다,

    00:00:24,603 –> 00:00:27,249
    because any race that's longer than a 100
    왜냐하면 거리가 100 보다 더 긴 경기에서는

    00:00:27,297 –> 00:00:30,011
    he's really going to use up a lot of oxygen at this.
    여기에서 진짜로 엄청 많은 산소를 소진하게 될 것이므로.

    00:00:30,036 –> 00:00:39,864
    and that's going to make it much tougher in a later part of the race to maintain… you know… just your rate and… and that good feeling of… of energy.
    그렇게 되면 경기의 뒷부분에서… 회전율과…. 그 에너지에 대한 좋은 느낌을 유지하는 것이 훨씬 어려워질 것입니다.

    00:00:39,898 –> 00:00:43,261
    And once all that air goes away, you're in big trouble.
    일단 그 공기가 다 빠져나가고 나면, 당신은 큰 어려움에 처합니다.

    00:00:43,317 –> 00:00:49,621
    So… you know… he just is really getting rid of a lot of… a lot of air during that.
    그래서… 보시다시피… 제리는 이러는 동안 진짜로 많은 공기를 없애고 있습니다.

    00:00:49,670 –> 00:00:53,460
    So, we'll look at how effective the underwater dolphins become,
    그럼, 우리는 물속 돌고래 차기가 얼마나 효율적으로 될 수 있는지 살펴보고,

    00:00:53,568 –> 00:00:59,665
    and… ahm… and if he really gets good at it, then we're going to suggest him nose plug for about right now,
    그리고… 그리고 제리가 진짜로 그것에 익숙해지면, 제리에게 바로 이 지점에서 코마개를 하라고 제안하겠습니다,

    00:01:00,134 –> 00:01:02,134
    It's probably going to be fairly short.
    아마도 꽤 짧은 순간이 되겠지요.

    00:01:02,159 –> 00:01:05,595
    And because of such a short race, we're not going to worry about it as much.
    그리고 그렇게 짧은 경기이므로, 그에 대한 걱정을 그렇게 많이 하지는 않습니다.

    00:01:05,620 –> 00:01:08,188
    But it is something that we're going to have to look at.
    하지만 어쨌든 이것은 우리가 살펴봐야 할 것입니다.

    00:01:08,694 –> 00:01:12,483
    And Jerry has a very traditional backstroke breakout.
    제리는 아주 전통적인 배영 째 나오기(breakout, 브레이크아웃)를 합니다.

    00:01:12,548 –> 00:01:14,801
    And he's got a nice deep catch on the stroke.
    팔 당기기에서 물 걸기(catch, 캐치)를 깔끔하고 깊게 하네요.

    00:01:14,851 –> 00:01:20,632
    The great thing is that if you look at his line in comparison to the surface it's a very gradual…
    훌륭한 점은… 제리의 몸체 정렬 선이 수면과 비교했을 때 아주 완만하다는 것입니다…

    00:01:20,657 –> 00:01:22,947
    You know… they just kind of merge together.
    말하자면… 그냥 두 선이 서서히 합쳐져 간다고나 할까요.

    00:01:22,972 –> 00:01:24,222
    So he's got a great break out.
    즉 훌륭한 째 나오기(breakout, 브레이크아웃)입니다.

    00:01:24,247 –> 00:01:30,073
    Again, that swimming knowledge that he brings into it is really cool.
    다시 말씀드리지만, 제리가 적용하고 있는 수영 지식은 아주 훌륭합니다.

    00:01:30,106 –> 00:01:32,471
    Ah…lead arm is extending pretty well.
    그리고… 앞서가는 팔은 아주 잘 뻗어 있습니다.

    00:01:32,496 –> 00:01:35,704
    There's a little bit of a collapse here as he tries to get that first stroke.
    첫 번째 팔 당기기를 시도할 때 뻗은 팔이 약간 무너지는군요.

    00:01:35,729 –> 00:01:38,713
    So we want to make sure that this arm is really piercing forward.
    그래서 우리는 뻗은 팔이 진짜로 앞으로 찔러가도록 확실하게 해야 합니다.

    00:01:38,783 –> 00:01:46,030
    There are some other ideas that I'm getting right now, even to the point of maybe doing the Tennessee backstroke breakout.
    지금 드는 생각이 몇 가지 있습니다, 아마도 테네시 배영 째 나오기를 해야 하지 않을까 하는 수준까지.

    00:01:46,055 –> 00:01:48,188
    Because it is a sprint.
    왜냐하면 단거리 역영이니까요.

    00:01:48,213 –> 00:01:50,070
    It's something that I haven't even shown Jerry yet.
    테네시 배영 째 나오기는 제리에게 아직 보여주지도 않았는데

    00:01:50,095 –> 00:01:53,054
    I'm just getting the idea right now by watching the video,
    이 영상을 보며 방금 그 생각이 떠올랐습니다,

  2. Jerry Frentsos

    All right. We can take a look at Jerry's backstroke.

    Began very tight streamline.. nicely done.

    And one of the things that we notice is that he's getting rid of a lot of oxygen. So there're trail of bubbles that's going up.

    If this wasn't 100 IM, we really focus on trying to make sure that he's going to get some… ah… some nose plug or something to hold on to that air, because any race that's longer than a 100 he's really going to use up a lot of oxygen at this. and that's going to make it much tougher in a later part of the race to maintain… you know… just your rate and… and that good feeling of… of energy. And once all that air goes away, you're in big trouble. So… you know… he just is really getting rid of a lot of… a lot of air during that.

    So, we'll look at how effective the underwater dolphins become, and… ahm… and if he really gets good at it, then we're going to suggest him nose plug for about right now,

    It's probably going to be fairly short. And because of such a short race, we're not going to worry about it as much. But it is something that we're going to have to look at.

    And Jerry has a very traditional backstroke breakout. And he's got a nice deep catch on the stroke.

    The great thing is that if you look at his line in comparison to the surface it's a very gradual… You know… they just kind of merge together. So he's got a great break out. Again, that swimming knowledge that he brings into it is really cool.

    Ah…lead arm is extending pretty well.

    There's a little bit of a collapse here as he tries to get that first stroke. So we want to make sure that this arm is really piercing forward.

    There are some other ideas that I'm getting right now, even to the point of maybe doing the Tennessee backstroke breakout. Because it is a sprint. It's something that I haven't even shown Jerry yet. I'm just getting the idea right now by watching the video, so… to really avoid this collapse and getting that first stroke really spinning up more quickly. So that's gonna be something that I'll have to explain to him and he'll work on his own.

    But we really kind of want to avoid the the way that that arm is is approaching the breakout. We did realize on some above water filming that his arms do come over the top a little bit, which we can see that this is this is probably an impact of that.

    So again very traditional sort of backstroke, a good catch, nice power there, fairly shallow, pretty nice. Looks like the right arm is a little bit deeper, with the arm a little bit straighter in its initiation. So it is a very solid backstroke.

    I think the thing when we really looked at the backstroke was the rate is inhibited by his catch above the surface of the water. So there is the the outward press that we see a little bit of right through here, where the hand is coming out in order to set up the catch.

    And so what we worked on was a wider catch at the top of the backstroke. And we'll have other video for that a little bit later.

    It looks very solid as he increases the rate. The the rotation may limit a little bit.

    But one of the things that we did work on was that this long lever angle that he has with the arms. We're trying to shorten that and make sure that there's a little bit more of an arm bend so that the arm goes back a little straighter.

    Good body position, the hips are fairly fairly high. So the backstroke looks good.

    But again when we really looked at it from above the surface, there was an issue with his ability to achieve rate based on a cross over above. And so we've got some drills coming up that we worked on for that.

    But nice backstroke!

  3. 제리 프렌쏘스 – 배영

    제리의 본능적인 영법을 사용한 배영 첫 수로 거리


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