如果她不喜欢,她怎么游得这么快!? [英语][Skills NT]

在训练期间,她没有动力。 她说她的教练菲利普卢卡斯。 你必须对她强硬,并找到激励她的方法。 她不喜欢游泳。 但是当她参加比赛时,她会变成一个不同的人。 2006 在评委的背后,劳尔有着一头即将打猎的母狮。 看台上,有两个长得一模一样的人。 她的父亲和她的弟弟弗洛朗。 00:00 – 菲利普卢卡斯 00:10 – 2007 年世界锦标赛 400 免费 00:25 – Katinka Hosszú 01:05 – 自由泳技术 Laure Manaudou 01:35 – 两种类型的游泳运动员 01:55 – 第一种类型的游泳运动员 02:05 -第二种游泳运动员 02:25 – 家庭训练 02:59 – 2004 年雅典的 Laure Manaudou 03:28 – 教练的话 04:28 – 世界纪录 04:49 – 2007 年世界总决赛 05:27 – Anika Lurz 06 01 – 2008 年奥运会 06:39 – 破碎的心 06:50 – Manaudou 兄弟姐妹 07:03 – 50 Butterfly vs Cesar Cielo 07:33 – CN Marseille 08:20 – Florent 的机会领域 08:42 – 短跑运动员 20 分钟锻炼:05 – 2012 年伦敦法国奥运会选拔赛 09:35 – 游泳技术的改变 09:45 – 劳尔的复出 10:13 – 2012 年伦敦免费决赛 11:46 – 德莱塞尔 vs 马诺杜 我们的链接:我们的旱地频道:游泳营地:加入我们的 Discord(游泳社区):如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页:Tik tok:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:Instragram:Facebook:感谢 watc 兴! 游得快! 资料来源:2006 年欧洲游泳冠军布达佩斯 Laure Manaudou WR 400m 教练 – 报告文学 Philippe LUCAS (Natation) Romain Barnier (FRA) 介绍 Florent Manaudou(50m 免费)Florent Manaudou,fin prêt pour le doublédou à Rio Laure ai jamais aimé nager” 劳尔·马诺杜 (Laure Manaudou) 2007 年墨尔本世界纪录回顾展 | 国际泳联世锦赛弗洛朗·马诺杜赢得男子 50 米自由泳金牌——2012 年伦敦奥运会


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

24 留言

  1. Ironically her name means swimming in my language (Armenian-լող)

  2. i was a very good competitive swimmer in the early 90's in australia. i fucken hated it. quitting was the best thing i ever did. i was like a wind up toy for my coaches and parents. i was exploited and too young to know any better.

  3. who in their right mind would actually like swimming? its not a fun sport, I like to think of swimming as the "worst sport and the best sport at the same time" because its quite frankly one of the most boring sports in existence, while swimming and watching swimming, but the objectively best sport because its the best sport for your body.

    I did swimming since i was 3, up until i was 13, that was when i switched to tennis.

  4. In the thumbnail the only word on her hand is love the rest was put on later

  5. I am the second type I hate to swim but I have to.

  6. genius athlete that hates practice? i love that trope bro, and this is the first time i actually see an athlete like that besides me (minus the talent, lol)

  7. Heyyyyy I’m literally Hungarian like if you are Hungarian and reply something in Hungarian and I will give you a notification one I create my own channel in 2022

  8. Lot's of people are good at things they don't like. I don't really like math but I'm really good at it. I do it for a purpose, not for enjoyment.

  9. I want to see Michael Phelps Vs this guy
    Coz they both have great underwaters

  10. Hosszú Katinka, Hosszú Hosszú Katinka

  11. I know that its a 400, but a 2-beat kick? Not sure about that

  12. I'm the opposite I love training and I love competing I'm the youngest in my group but I have never missed one session of training because that is what helps you to get faster…..

  13. Maybe she hates swimming so much but she has too so she just wants to quickly get out of the pool and also she cares about winning not swimming

  14. When I was a teen I was just like her, I used to be in the swimming team, I hated it, when I competed with people I ended up winning.

  15. All my friends who are good swimmers hate the sport but that is the rule of the sport to hate swimming but do it because your good at it

  16. In that video you point out (1:18) that her left arm comes in when her right foot pushes off. But in another video "Smooth swimming step by step" you were speaking of long distance swimming with a kick down of right leg at the same time right arm is pulling. So 2 different Technics that work the same on long distance?

  17. when she’s swimming she’s probably like :
    ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew.. wait i kinda like this..okay nevermind. HEY I WON

  18. Funny enough, a few swimmers have admitted after their career acheived that they dont like to swim which is not the case in other sport. I think it is to do with being under water everyday for so long….you cant talk to everyone, it is a lonely sport really. I love swimming for that, I can spend a full hour just for me, on my own, giving it all into the effort. however when i am finished i am so please with myself…and i can go back into my life..now doing it everyday for 4 hours…..and in a swimming pool….not sure i could!

  19. that family got some good genes

  20. It's strange how Many World record swimmers don't like what they Excel at: Manaudou, Phelps,Thorpe. just to Site a few ..

  21. Those videos are so great ! You are an incredible story teller, keep going !


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