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Wow! I really want to go there!
Stunning! Absolutely stunning! Each one is more breath taking than the other! Also I loved the voice behind the scenes! The delivery of the description is amazing!
My bucket list for https://www.1001pools.com/ just added 8 pools (as Bondi and the Chilean pool have been on there for awhile). For serious swimmers, though, I'd put the Kitsilano Pool in Vancouver into this list, and the London Olympic Pool as the best 'racing pool' in the world.
This video was so cheerful and uplifting, thanks for posting it. The Australian pool where the ocean washes in is my favorite.
Bondi Icebergs has been on my list for ages! I'll make it there one day…
Imagine sailing in your pool!
Have you had the chance to swim in any of these pools? Do you have other gorgeous pools we should check out? Let us know below! Be sure to subscribe for more inspiring and educational swimming videos!