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標籤MySwimPro Phelps如何成為有史以來最偉大的游泳者英語 奧運會 奧運游泳 游泳的 邁克爾·菲爾普斯2008 邁克爾·菲爾普斯·金 邁克爾·菲爾普斯復出 邁克爾·菲爾普斯奧運會 邁克爾·菲爾普斯接力復出 邁克爾·菲爾普斯最後一場比賽 邁克爾·菲爾普斯游泳 邁克爾·菲爾普斯精華 邁克爾·菲爾普斯獲得第一枚金牌 邁克爾·菲爾普斯訓練 邁克爾·菲爾普斯訓練時間表 邁克爾·菲爾普斯飲食 邁克爾·菲爾普斯(Michael Phelps) 邁克爾菲爾普斯Michael 鮑勃·鮑曼·邁克爾·菲爾普斯 鮑勃·鮑曼教練 鮑勃鮑曼訓練
「In order to be the best, you have to be willing to do things that other people aren』t willing to do,」 -Michael Phelps
I had to see this for class but this story is amazing
I do competitive swimming myself and Michael Phelps really inspires me. I am actually going to the national swimming competition this weekend!
He'll come back the greatest athletes do
I think the title of the video doesn』t do him justice. He』s not the greatest swimmer ever, he』s the greatest Olympian ever.
I want to become a pro swimmer but i am already 17 and i feel like i am too old
Michael Phelps isn』t the greatest swimmer in my opinion he is the greatest sportsman ever.
he only ate 8-10,000 calories a day. no biggie.
If you want to see another successful swimming comeback look for Anthony Ervin. His story is unbelievable
Michael phelps is unbelievable and a great athlete
I am i no way denying his extraordinary dedication to training, that was insane !!! BUT (and this is a big BUT) he was born with it. Let's not forget how his body is amazingly adapted to swimming, to the lengths of his arms and legs (oddly proportioned, perfect for swimming) to the fact of his double-jointed ankles that bend 15 percent more than even professional swimmers. He also is hyper-jointed in the chest, that allowed him to kick from the chest, not only the ribs. Of course, none of that would have mattered without the amount of work he putted in. GOAT indeed !!!
I used to swim from 11 to 15 on and off, even competed a little when I was 15. I then smoked for two years and didn't train. I started training again now at 19. What is possible (except Olympics) for me to achieve and what goals can I realisticaly set for myself?
Thats the same caloric intake as Thor the 7ft strongman who just deadlifted 501 kgs. 90 kg athlete vs 200 kg athlete. unfarking believable.
We could make a movie outta this.
Hi mechael
I know a new dive technique that you can receive to the end of line about 2 or 3 seconds sooner than the others . You know when 1/100 second is important in Olympic or swim world cop so 3 second is very good .
Fares is a goat
Phelps 2021
This dudes got like 3+ DUI』s. It』s probably genetic. I know many swimmers with more discipline.
Natural born talent + hard work and dedication is a winning formula
hard work + dedication… + luck (born in right family, training w bowman) + god given physical attributes and talent
Ohh boy, I miss swimming. Its been 6 months I am away from the pool. Can't wait more to get back.
To me the greatest achievement of anyone under this sort of pressure is that they managed to survive it and stay alive. I am, or was, a swimmer of sorts and what I wanted more than anything was not to win medals but to swim a beautiful front crawl stroke and be an inspiration to other swimmers. I have enormous respect for Michael, not because of his medals but because he's an honest and decent person, a partner and a father and somehow he has managed to cope with the life he's had. I don't think I could have done
Which Olympic swimmer should we profile next? Let us know below!