邁克爾·菲爾普斯(Michael Phelps)自由泳中風分析 [英語]

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40 留言

  1. Open down is actually a good thing. Many of the best summers ever bob. It creates a pattern and gives you rhythm. You need to abandon the textbook and start watching swimmers swim because your textbook analysis is wrong.

  2. Excellent! Can you make Aleksandr Popov freestyle technique analysis?

  3. im good at chin-ups would I be good at swimming

  4. Is rotating the body so much adviseable?? The elbow shows 70° but the shoulder and the underwater video show even 80°!!

  5. the greatest olympian can swim like a torpedo…lol..GOAT himself

  6. Can you do a video about the best way to do a 1000 free. I really want to learn about how to demolish it perfectly.

  7. The down in the "up and down" allows him to get his head submerged after the breath, eliminating wave drag during the fastest part of his pull. The "up" then allows him to use his head for leverage as he catches with the other arm.

  8. Is Matt Damon his strength coach?

  9. 0:41 Wow, he can even swim backwards? That's incredible!

  10. Do you have one of Sun Yang Technique? It would be amazing!

  11. Very helpful.
    I slow the pros down and study them, but it really helps when you markup the screen.
    This is the best use of technology for studying technique.
    Some violin teachers do this by slowing down the violin masters for detailed study.

  12. His lead arm gliding in front drops below the lateral line to enable him to develop lift.

  13. absolutely perfection. best wishes from London Notting hill.

  14. 1.Never analyze tech with distorted images shot from skewed angle.
    2. Elite athletes often have their own unique tech skills that amateurs cannot imitate. Take Michael as an example, he breathes from one side only, jolts quite a lot, and does so many underwater dolphin kicks on each turn, all of which would do more harm than benefit to beginner swimmers.
    3. Jolting are common in matches. In such high intensity, you need more oxygen. The normal breathing skill requires you to keep streamline position and sip air once a bit. That doesn't work well, especially to those who have big muscles. They need to have deeper breath for longer, and thus have to raise their head. The jolting is a result of higher head position, not the one-side breathing. You can keep perfect streamline even if you only breathe from one side.

  15. I think his "galloping" style is necessitated by his low head position…. hes almost a total immersion swimmer.

  16. That swim stroke is so iconic!

  17. Tienes toda la razón, la estabilidad es una clave de su éxito

  18. Yes it』s a great stroke,
    Thorpeys is way better.
    Just saying

  19. Interested in the way he is angles his hand after entry so that the pinky finger turns down. It's the same as what Sun Yang does and I'm wondering what the purpose is??

  20. Your passion for this sport is truly inspiring, Fares. Thanks for sharing your teaching with the swimming community!

  21. I feel so lucky that I started swimming during the 2008 Olympics. Watching him has been so motivating!

  22. Beautifully asymmetric. Near over rotation on right shoulder have him more lope and DPS than other freestylers. Also head position is individual dependent, looking up more will give you a more powerful catch.

  23. Michael's stroke is so clean

  24. So if phelps is the goat what is dressel then XD?

  25. his strength is dolphin kick, the up and down is a must! human is not robot. amazing Michael Phelps

  26. Thank you swim pro these videos are really good,I am a competive swimmer and whenever you upload a video I always learn from my technique!
    ☺️ THANK YOU!

  27. Who would've thought the greatest swimmer of all time would have such an amazing technique.

  28. If he only fixes these things, he will probably win a few races;)

  29. Will never forget watching all of his races on youtube . We are luckey to watch the legend.

  30. If he can get rid of the up and down motion and the lazy arm I think he』ll go places.

  31. I disagree about the up-down swimming.
    I find you have a bit less drag during the 'down' part because you're not breaking the surface of the water as much. You should try it out sometime ;)
    Great video otherwise :)

  32. "Textbook level swimming. The elbow is always above the hand."
    Straight arm: Am I a joke to you?

  33. What drawing/video playing tool do you use for these analyses @MySwimPro?


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