泥炭征服男子100m蛙泳 ISL | 全場比賽| 倫敦 [英語][國際游泳聯盟]

亞當·皮蒂(Adam Peaty)真是捲土重來! 贏得倫敦男子100m蛙泳比賽的冠軍在Twitter上關注@iswimleague,有關更多信息,請訪問www.isl.global。


關於 International Swimming League

國際游泳聯盟是一種全新的,以團隊為基礎的競賽形式,它是世界上最佳的游泳運動員。 在四個國家/地區舉行了六場比賽,以確定參加拉斯維加斯總決賽的最佳四支球隊。

10 留言

  1. His starts and turns gotta improve he could go 55.9X if he he was better at thiz

  2. They should ban bodybuilders to swim.

  3. the production is SO american…

  4. On the final turn, the gap he ate in three strokes was unbelievable.

  5. Please stop spoiling the outcome in the title for crying out loud! It takes all emotion away!

  6. Can you guys show the times at the end?

  7. Still shite camera angles, shite commentary, zero replays, zero summary of results


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