在ISL举行的男子50m蛙泳比赛| 全场比赛| 布达佩斯 [英语][国际游泳联盟]

亚当·皮蒂(Adam Peaty)在布达佩斯赢得5,000万蛙泳。 在Twitter上关注@iswimleague。有关更多信息,请访问www.isl.global#ISL2019 #AquaPower#布达佩斯#游泳


关于 International Swimming League

国际游泳联盟是一种全新的,以团队为基础的竞赛形式,它是世界上最佳的游泳运动员。 在四个国家/地区举行了六场比赛,以确定参加拉斯维加斯总决赛的最佳四支球队。

13 留言

  1. ピーティほど短水路苦手なトップ選手はいない気がする。

  2. Vladimir Morozov so unlucky at the end…

  3. I'll say this once again. While it.s OK to focus on points, your inability to give a few seconds to show time results of all competitors is a blemish on your new league and a hindrance to its ongoing success. Don't be stupid, #ISL2019

  4. 모로조프 마지막 스트록 한본 더 했으면 이겼을거 같은데

  5. Пити на финише только обогнал. Морозову немного не хватило. У него старты и выходы лучше были(((

  6. Wait! The guy in lane 8. I didn't know that Matthew Grevers also swim BREASTSTROKE!

  7. it should be glinding stroke on short course

  8. Adam rules again even though his starts and turn are far from being clean. What a beast!

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