做这个技巧,游泳时踝关节活动度立即提高 20%! [英语][Skills NT]

在这个视频中,我会告诉你一个技巧,它可以立即将你的脚踝活动度提高 20% 左右。 我还将解释脚踝和脚趾活动性和灵活性的重要性,以及如何在您尝试用脚趾指向时避免抽筋。 00:00 – 介绍 00:25 – 踝关节活动技巧 00:58 – 脚踝在游泳中的重要性 01:47 – 脚趾在游泳中的重要性 1:58 – 避免抽筋 2:12 – 结论 加入我们的 Discord(游泳社区):游泳营地:如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页: Tik tok:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品: Instragram: Facebook: 感谢观看! 游得快!


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

30 留言

  1. Good brther Good you swimme naes,,,,then key,,,,iraq

  2. We need more people that gets to the point like this guy

  3. Look at how their knees bend… oO idk if that flexibility is healthy to strive for

  4. Thank you. Your swimming videos are amazingly helpful. Thanks a million for your free swimming lessons.

  5. This guy is an expert. He knows his stuff.

  6. my natural ancle rotation is super wide to the oudside
    explains why I'm a breaststroker

  7. Should I do this for all my dolphin kicks/underwaters and even while swimming butterfly? Is it a skill to implement into basically any movement in swimming using the legs like this?

  8. This is great!

    Do you have one for dorsiflexion?

  9. Hi, may i know if fins will help out in ankle or leg movement? And what kind of fins would you recommend?

  10. Your right. However rotating internally can decrease the area pushing water backwards.

  11. شكرا لك من القلب على الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية

  12. Hahaha I remember my diving time

  13. Amazing video. Truly helped my ankles

  14. AI를 이용해서 번역한 한글 자막처럼 보이네요.

    한국어 사용자 분들을 위해,

    이 댓글을 남깁니다.

    mobility : 이동성(x), 가동성(o)

    point your toes: 발가락을 가리키다(x), 발목을 반듯하게 펴다(o)

    trick: 트릭, 비결(o)

    hip: 엉덩이(x), 고관절(o)

    range of motion: 동작 범위(x), 가동 범위(o)

    hip internal rotation: 고관절 안쪽 돌림

    calf muscle: 종아리 근육

    plantar flexion: 발바닥 쪽으로 굽힌 상태

    fin: 지느러미(x), 오리발(o)

    work: 훈련하다, 연마하다

  15. no entiendo por qué en el vídeo decís que se puede pensar que la rotación interna es algo bueno pero no para nadar, y a continuación dices qué muchos buenos nadadores lo hacen. ¿ entonces en qué quedamos? ¿ se debe rotar internamente la cadera para patear durante el nado y ganar efectividad o no? Aparte de esto, muchas gracias por el vídeo porque cuando respondas a mi duda, seguramente me serà muy útil!

  16. Dios mío en cámara lenta los pies parecen que no tuviera huesos, como un pedazo de caucho parecen de lo flexible

  17. My left arm pulls more water than my right and don’t feel any soreness in arms or shoulder because my right shoulder is dislocated.

    When I kick, my legs naturally comes to the surface of the water, most of the time I am kicking the surface of the water and not getting any propulsion, is it because my butt is big or shoulder I arc my back or look foward more to sink my legs down a little bit?

  18. You are remarkably good. Thank you.

  19. The best ankle routine for swimmers : Dry-land workout #2

  20. Merci beaucoup pour la vidéo

  21. One other benefit about going pigeon toed when using the flutter kick or the dolphin kick, besides the extra ankle flexing or extending, is that the whole side of your foot becomes part of your paddle rather than just the toes.

  22. This is a huge gift, thanks much.

  23. Sir please tell some exercise for building up stamina and endurance

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