4k 游泳流暢蛙泳! 超高清 [英語][Skills NT]

蛙泳游泳的高質量游泳視頻。 沒有分心,沒有突然的削減,沒有說話。 只是游泳。 欣賞這段關於乳房的游泳視頻,希望您對如何游出流暢的蛙泳有一些想法。 如果您希望我說明任何觀點,請不要懷疑在下面發表評論並與我分享您的問題。 我將製作一個視頻,最終說明最常見問題的答案。 關注我們:Skills NT Shop:訂閱我們的電子郵件列表:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:成為我們的 Patreon:


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

8 留言

  1. This is like swimming ASMR

  2. I'm happy with your video. I feel like doing someting to watch video.

  3. Srry guys you have to do this one again. WTF is camera man doing? Either on surface or looking at that ass. It's breaststroke, not ass-stroke ;) Ass-stroke gives you a stroke eventually.

  4. Hi I was wondering if you had any tips for keeping your knees together during breaststroke. I am a very strong butterflier and freestyler and have a pretty good backstroke, but my breaststroke is more than just a weak stroke. Is there anything you recommend to fix my wide knees like using a pull bouy or anything. Thanks!

  5. What part of breaststroke would you like us to analyze and make a tutorial about?


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