旅行时游泳。 弹力绳技术 [英语][Skills NT]

训练在路上。 用弹力绳游泳。 购买弹力绳 → 有机会赢取: 1- 对 Youtube 视频发表评论。 2- 在任何提及@skillsntalents 的社交媒体上分享此视频或您最喜欢的 Skills NT 视频 获胜者将于 2016 年 11 月 15 日星期二下午 6 点宣布! (-7 UTC) 祝你好运! 快速游泳! “Gonna Start v2” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) 已获得知识共享许可:通过署名 3.0 许可 如果您做两件事,这些技巧和技巧将最有效地帮助您显着改善您的中风: 1- 一次专注于一件事2- 练习直到你主宰那件事,然后转向下一件。 我还将为其他笔画制作另一系列视频,包括开始和转弯。 还会有练习和其他有趣的东西,所以一定要订阅! 我在竞技领域游了 15 年,我希望我能像 youtube 允许的那样清晰和简单地传播我的知识。 我计划做一些这样的事情来传播我在游泳方面获得的知识。 我会与有更多知识和经验的人合作,制作更高级类型的视频。 最后,我真正热衷的是学习新技能。 所以这个频道的目的是传播当我们学习新东西时所有人都分享的内在快乐,不管它看起来多么微不足道。 我相信改进会让我们感觉更有活力,因此,如果做得对,可以创造一个更美好的世界。 所以如果你喜欢学习新事物,游泳、跳舞、绘画和其他技能,这个频道适合你! 所以一定要订阅、观看、学习、练习和享受!


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

12 留言

  1. Can I use it in inflatable pool of 6ft

  2. Is using the bungee bad for your shoulders?

  3. What a brilliant idea!! It also helps beginners, like me, to beat the fear of water: gives more confidence when a "safety" rope is at hand.

  4. Awesome. Good Tip. This is like a treadmill.

  5. 1
    00:00:00,135 –> 00:00:07,097
    Training On The Road!
    여행 중의 훈련

    00:00:10,070 –> 00:00:17,580
    We all know that missing a few days of practice or even one day might make you lose some of the resistance you built up.
    며칠 혹은 하루라도 연습을 거르면 그동안 축적한 근력을 조금 잃어버릴 수 있다는 것을 우리는 모두 알고 있습니다.

    00:00:17,774 –> 00:00:20,677
    So here is what my friend does while he is on the road.
    그래서 오늘은 제 친구가 여행할 때 하는 짓을 소개해드립니다.

    00:00:21,017 –> 00:00:29,552
    Usually hotel pools are too small to do laps in, but if you tie yourself with one of these stretch cords you’ll be able to get a fair workout.
    보통 호텔 수영장은 훈련하기에 너무 좁습니다, 하지만 자신의 몸을 stretch cords(스트레치 코드, 훈련용 고무줄)에 묶는다면 충분한 훈련을 할 수 있습니다.

    00:00:29,624 –> 00:00:36,607
    You won’t lose any resistance or feel for the water while you are traveling and don’t have access to a bigger pool!
    큰 수영장에 갈 필요 없이, 여행하는 동안 근력 혹은 물에 대한 감각을 유지할 수 있습니다.

    00:00:36,937 –> 00:00:39,271
    Training with one of these is exhausting!
    stretch cords(스트레치 코드, 훈련용 고무줄)를 묶고 하는 훈련은 매우 힘듭니다!

    00:00:39,540 –> 00:00:45,734
    The stretch cord is always pulling you back so if you start slacking on your stroke you will go backwards.
    stretch cords(스트레치 코드, 훈련용 고무줄)가 계속 뒤로 잡아당깁니다. 그래서 헤엄치는 속도가 느려지면 뒤로 끌려가게 될 것입니다.

    00:00:45,842 –> 00:00:55,628
    It is a good training method even if you are not on the road and just want to sprint as long as you can and see exactly when you lose strength, because you will go backwards.
    여행 중이 아니라도 훌륭한 훈련방법입니다. 할 수 있는 만큼 빠르게 헤엄칠 수 있고, 뒤로 끌려가기 때문에, 정확히 어느 시점에 힘이 빠지는지 알 수 있습니다.

    00:00:56,954 –> 00:01:04,542
    If you want a chance to win one of these stretch cords, which includes a parachute for resistance training, check out the description below!
    저항 훈련을 위한 낙하산(parachute)을 포함한 stretch cords(스트레치 코드, 훈련용 고무줄) 한 세트를 탈 기회를 원하신다면, 아래의 설명을 확인하십시요!

    00:01:04,654 –> 00:01:08,444
    If you just want to buy one, I’ll put a link in the description as well!
    구매를 원하신다면, 아래 설명에 링크를 남기겠습니다!

    00:01:08,587 –> 00:01:10,469
    Thanks for watching! SWIM FAST!
    시청해주셔서 감사합니다! 빠르게 헤엄치세요!

  6. Super cool! I didn't even know these existed.

  7. thanks you for this video! I was on a road trip recently and had to swim in the very small pools that you mentioned. I will keep travelling, so having a device like the one you showed would help me a lot. :D

  8. i think that can help me to practice!

  9. Thanks for the Tip!, and good luck everyone

  10. Awesome tip… It's a wonderful technique


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