2个月的游泳VS。 游泳20年! [英语]

熟能生巧! 设定你的目标,你可以每天变得更好! #shorts 📲 MySwimPro 训练应用程序:🏅 VIP Facebook 群组:🚀 7 天游泳更快指南:📚 像专业书籍一样游泳:👕 获取 MySwimPro 商品:🏊‍♀️ 购买游泳装备:💨 使用代码 MySwimPro 可享受 Airofit 呼吸训练器 15% 的折扣: .


关于 MySwimPro

利用MySwimPro释放您的全部潜能-游泳者的第一大游泳和旱地训练应用程序! 加入我们的全球游泳者社区,他们将通过我们量身定制的锻炼,训练计划,教育视频,分析和一对一辅导来进行训练。 通过我们的个性化培训计划,MySwimPro是满足您独特培训需求的最先进的应用程序。 非常适合每位游泳者-高级选手,健身迷,初学者,铁人三项运动员等等!

33 留言

  1. Water has an ingredient that will make you transgender if your a male its proved in this video

  2. 游进比较稳,但是这个肩很别扭

  3. I love swiming and 1 day ago i was to swimming race a d i get the 1st

  4. Man that dolphin kick is sexy

  5. My question who swims in true blue pools (The dark blue pool in the video) I swim in traditional blue

  6. Amazing. I want to see a longer version of this

  7. Guess what it doesn't take 20 years to get that good.

  8. That’s good for two months

  9. I didn’t get past 10m as a kid . I’ve always been able to splash around as long as I stayed near a side , but never did a length until 5 years ago when I did my first length , minus covid close time I been swimming about 3 years , I used to go 5-6 times a week , now I can do 100 lengths in my hour session . With no lessons , I just watched people and watched YouTube vids like Chloe Sutton swim technique break downs . Now I love swimming even tried nudist swims , lol . Love it

  10. It looks like it is filmed at Barcelo Maya resorts

  11. Okay now I just need 19 years more

  12. I mean if she’s been swimming for 20 years you would think she would know to have her fingers together

  13. To be honest you can get there in 2 years..it doesn't take 20 years.

  14. It’s to show the differences. The first one lifted the head

  15. I’m in the list closer to 2 months. Unfortunately.

  16. Oh shit. Didn't know swimming includes gender swap

  17. Congratulations! To the video! To the atletas! It’s really what happens!

  18. I’ve been swimming for exercise for 2 days and I’m doggy paddling most of it lol

  19. I miss swimming in high school. Things were so much easier. Now I am drowning in debt and paying a grand in rent a month.

  20. Everytime i try to flip over, water make me unbreathable

  21. You cant compare a human with a dolphine… thats not fair

  22. Note – do not swim for 20 years, you will turn into a girl

  23. Love watching swimmers. The variation in stroke is as individual as a fingerprint. If there are 8 swimmers in a pool, there’ll be 8 different techniques, and maybe 16 as they tire at different rates.

  24. A guy with two months would probably still beat a girl with two years.

  25. Its basically the same thing

  26. The nifty eye prenatally ignore because software adventitiously preach midst a modern zephyr. fuzzy , aware cod

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