如果你真的想变得更快,你需要跟踪数据! 了解如何使用 6 个最重要的游泳指标来衡量您的表现。 感谢 Garmin 赞助此视频! 查看 Forerunner 945 以深入跟踪泳池和开放水域游泳以及大量其他运动: 阅读博客:章节:0:00 介绍 1:15 分圈 4:25 中风计数 6:47 心率 10 :51 SWOLF 分数 13:50 距离 15:45 锻炼密度
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订阅我们的社区频道! 关于 MySwimPro:MySwimPro 是世界上排名第一的游泳者健身应用程序! MySwimPro 是一位私人教练,通过提供个性化的训练计划、锻炼、技术视频和分析,帮助 180 多个国家/地区的游泳者提高他们的表现和健康。 MySwimPro 应用程序可在 iPhone、Android、Apple Watch 和 Garmin 智能手表上使用。 关于 Coach Fares: Fares Ksebati 是 MySwimPro 的联合创始人兼首席执行官。 他是 3 次美国个人游泳大师赛全国冠军和博斯普鲁斯海峡跨大陆游泳运动员。 Fares 是美国游泳教练协会会员和获得认证的美国铁人三项教练。 他是 Swim Like A Pro 的作者,喜欢帮助游泳者充分发挥潜力。 在社交媒体上关注他@FaresKsebati!
In our 25yd pool I take 18 strokes with a 15 second time= 33 SWOLF. However I have the VO2 MAX of an 80 year old smoker lol. I am a disabled Vet and now that I'm back swimming my motto is, "Getting stronger every day."
Hello sir
question for anyone. My distance per stroke 2.05M with SPM 52-55. If i increase SPM to 60+, my DPS drops to 1.8M-1.9M … is this normal, or should i be able to maintain the DPS as i increase SPM?
I want to join your fb group
I am most interested in tracking my lap splits.
your videos are gold for me. Thank you so much!
Really enjoyed this content
I just CAN'T swim without my smartwatch!!!!!
Love your content and your energy
Thanks to Garmin for sponsoring this video! Check out the Forerunner 945 for in-depth tracking for pool & open water swims, plus tons of other sports: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/621922?utm_source=msp&utm_medium=display-banner&utm_campaign=forerunner&utm_content=945