游泳前,游泳中和游泳后应该吃什么 [英语]

正确饮食可助您训练! 注册营养师玛吉·埃文斯(Maggie Evans)向游泳者分享了她的营养小贴士。 在Instagram上关注Maggie➡️____________________________________________查看完整博客:➡️⬅️加入我们的Facebook社区:➡️⬅️推荐游泳装备➡️⬅️千万不要错过#SwimTip订阅➡️⬅️要获得启发性故事,请订阅我们的社区频道! you️⬅️你正在训练铁人三项吗? 看看MyTriPro! 订阅➡️⬅️______________________________________________迈克尔·安德鲁(Michael Andrew)分享了他的疯狂酮糖饮食,USRPT计划| #AskASwimPro节目➡️⬅️您会游泳多少卡路里? ️⬅️游泳时会发生什么事➡️⬅️我如何减掉100磅游泳4x /周| (Michael Allon)#AskASwimPro展示➡️⬅️如何设置SMART目标:➡️⬅️____________________________________________有关更多有用的游泳技巧,请在我们所有的社交渠道上关注@MySwimPro:博客:Facebook:Instagram:Twitter:SoundCloud:TikTok:MySwimPro全球社区组: ______________________________________________ MySwimPro是全球游泳者排名第一的应用程序,拥有超过100万个全球社区成员! 超过180个国家/地区的游泳者使用MySwimPro来跟踪他们的锻炼并遵循个性化游泳训练计划,通过视频演练来改进技术,并使用高级分析来跟踪他们的进度。 MySwimPro可以在iOS和Android上免费下载,并与最受欢迎的智能手表兼容。 MySwimPro被Apple评为“年度最佳手表应用程序”,并在《体育画报》等其他国际出版物中得到推荐。 ______________________________________________关于Fares Ksebati:Fares是MySwimPro的联合创始人兼首席执行官。 他是国际公认的游泳教练,美国游泳教练协会会员和美国铁人三项认证教练。 票价是美国游泳大师赛全国冠军的3倍,在游泳池和公开水域比赛中进行国际比赛。 他热衷于授权人们实现其个人健身和生活目标! 在社交媒体上关注他:@faresksebati章0:00简介1:56游泳前要吃的东西4:06锻炼期间如何加油5:34水化技巧7:38选择正确的燃料8:55锻炼11:47如果您一直很饿该怎么办13:13如何为双打加油15:00游泳饮食满足18:10#1营养小贴士。


关于 MySwimPro

利用MySwimPro释放您的全部潜能-游泳者的第一大游泳和旱地训练应用程序! 加入我们的全球游泳者社区,他们将通过我们量身定制的锻炼,训练计划,教育视频,分析和一对一辅导来进行训练。 通过我们的个性化培训计划,MySwimPro是满足您独特培训需求的最先进的应用程序。 非常适合每位游泳者-高级选手,健身迷,初学者,铁人三项运动员等等!

22 留言

  1. Drink water; it will tell you whether you are actually hungry or just want to binge (out of anger or stress or boredom, etc.)

  2. Awesome tips, thank you Maggie!!

  3. I'm training for a 12k lake crossing – what would you recommend in terms of food before, during and after the swim? How often would you "eat" during the swim? I'm not a super good swimmer, I plan on swimming about 3k an hour.

  4. Thanks for the advice !
    I eat an avocado at least half of an hour
    Before swimming in the morning
    It keeps me full even if I have 5 or 6 km

  5. How often you need juice, sport drinks and/or sugar: Never!

  6. Finally have been waiting for this video for so long

  7. Haven't been in a pool for a year and it breaks my heart :( But thanks for this nutrition video.

  8. Excellent comments. Many thanks

  9. I recommend cliff bars for before or after a swim. They give me plenty of energy. Also, spaghetti with meatball is really good.

  10. Thanks for the tips!
    I was just having trouble putting together a proper diet because i swim 6 days a week

  11. Great ideas and great knowledge. Thank you!

  12. I swam over 140 km in October. I found trainerroad's "how to fuel for" Youtube video super helpful, definive and clear.

  13. Awesome tips, thank you Maggie!!

  14. absolutety the best guidence for swimmers in the quarantine. could you please tell me your address in the instagram?

  15. Her examples of snacks for before or after a swim were so helpful! I definitely need to get my nutrition in check.

  16. Been looking for a video like this!

  17. M. E.: YAH, […].
    F. K.: Totally. […]?

  18. What's your go-to post-swim meal? Share below! Follow Maggie on Instagram ➡️ https://www.instagram.com/swim.nutritionist/

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