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標籤50m Caeleb Dressel Freestyle展覽分析英語 MySwimPro
I ❤Love you
He didn』t break the barrier because of a few things.
1. No competition. We all know how hard it is to swim out best when we don』t have people to race.
2. Too little warm up/training time with the suit. Had he been able to use the suit for a few days/weeks we would have seen a sub 20.
3. Too little drag thanks to the suit. His kick is one of his biggest driving forces behind his speed. With a hydrophobic material now running down the length of his leg he had less 「traction」/friction against the water on his kick. Due to this he was 「slipping」 water on his kick and would have needed to increase his kick tempo to produce the same propulsion. He would have done this if he was given time to relearn how to swim in this suit.
Overall a good swim
About his headposition, in his case he probably wants to hydroplane a bit (aka lift up chest and drop legs from the hips) in order to reduce shoulder drag, ease rotation and enhance the legkick propulsion.
This does not suit regular age group swimmers, they should look down to enhance the bodyposition.
But higher level sprinters use this trick on porpuse.
By the way, the suit could have been tighter around his body.
It's different swimming alone. I always swim faster in competition than solo.
What app is he using? Does someone know?
What a swim man, that's great!
Beware of using full body suit even randomly like that cause it can fuck up your whole approach of your technique, the way you move efficiently in the water without it with textile suit. Technique is something that can take many years to set and adjust to perfection or near it, and much less time to screw it up, it's not a thing to play around if you wanna stay consistent for the longest time possible at the highest level.
Well, remember when Greg LeMond used the aero bars and aero helmet in the TDF long ago.
He only won by 58 seconds. The technology was approved with much controversy. Swimming gear is orders of magnitude less complex than a racing bike. I say approve the new swimming suits as long as everyone has access to the technology.
I think he needed someone to race, or a better fitting suit. Everyone knows he can do it