卡利斯·莫里斯·漢尼斯(Cali Condors Molly Hannis)的觀點表明,卡利斯·莫爾斯·漢尼斯(Cali Condors Molly Hannis)在2019年獲得了第七名,並在第2季中贏得了兩次ISL勝利:始終如一但適應能力強,遵守規則,但請按照自己的方式進行#ISL #AquaPower#ISL2020#ISwimLeagueS02
標籤HANNIS英語國際游泳聯盟 International Swimming League ISL第2賽季半決賽訪談MOLLY 國際游泳聯盟
Met het briefly at one meet a few years ago, i don't know her well at all but i can say for sure she's one of the few (real) humble and nice athletes of her caliber. Many others i met were more the type to be busy with their instagram feed and followers, texting guys etc, some almost act like supermodels which is bad considering the principles of a sport like swimming. Molly was very nice to be around instead so i cheer for her!