活动作品蛙泳腿部动作 如何提高蹬腿效率一 lswim 2021年6月9日 蛙泳 446 浏览量 蛙泳腿是我们在游进过程中非常重要的一环,如果蹬腿没有效率的话,速度是不可能快的!认真听课,你会有不同的感悟! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hJLe4u9IKY 相关推荐: 蛙泳初学者第三课换气讲解,不会换气的练习生可以看过来!Breaststroke breathing explanation 蛙泳为啥一换气就沉下去!!别慌,问题就出在这里!大家来对号入座哈哈哈!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe? 蛙泳提高系列第三课,针对蛙泳腿部力量强化训练 Breaststroke leg strength for intensive training 蛙泳初学者不敢抬头换气咋办!What to do if you don’t dare to raise your head for breath in breaststroke 蛙泳转身教学,分初级版和进阶版!初学者先练习初级版,本身已经会转身的可以练习进阶版哦!Breaststroke turn around teaching 蛙泳初学者手腿配合常见的错误动作,游得好首先得学会慢哦!Breaststroke hands and legs with common mistakes! 蛙泳为啥一换气就沉下去!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe!chinese 蛙泳提高系列第一节,手部动作与换气教学!Breaststroke hand movements and breathing exercises 蛙泳手部常见的错误动作 Common mistakes in the hands during breaststroke!
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