全泳裝是一個可怕的錯誤嗎? [英語][Skills NT]

對一名游泳運動員的慶祝是最後的挑釁。 雖然官方的決定來得較晚,但我們知道,這次慶祝活動導致禁止在游泳時穿超級套裝。 00:00 – 技術服禁令的原因 00:10 – ADIDAS 和 Ian Thorpe 革命的開始 00:47 – NASA 和 LZR 01:08 – 2008 年北京奧運會 01:57 – 2009 年羅馬游泳世界盃02:09 – Jaked、沙子和聚氨酯套裝 02:40 – 羅馬的 100 蝴蝶。 Cavic vs Phelps 04:00 – 慶祝和變化 我們的旱地頻道:游泳營:加入我們的 Discord(游泳社區):如果你喜歡游泳,你會喜歡我們的網頁:Tik tok:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:Instragram:臉書:感謝收看! 游得快! 資料來源:男子 100 米蝴蝶決賽米洛拉德卡維奇 vs 邁克爾菲爾普斯!! 2009年羅馬世界游泳錦標賽阿迪達斯賽跑印章第1部分伊恩·索普-阿迪達斯男子200米自由泳決賽2009年羅馬世界游泳錦標賽紡織材料。 呼吸空氣,不能將其困在裡面。 伊恩索普 – 阿迪達斯商業鰭游泳。 西裝沒有規定。 全聚氨酯。 科技套裝簡史 Pixel Perfect 製作的超級套裝皮克斯圖標來自 www.flaticon.com」


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

30 留言

  1. These speed suits are no different than gloves in the NFL that give an athlete an advantage.

  2. It was much more fun with complete suits.

  3. Shouldnt NASA be working on perfecting rocket launch takeoffs, since those are much more devastating when they go wrong? Seems like their focus is a bit off here.

  4. Personally, I like to swim is a pair of trunks with pockets in them. I get more of a workout than anyone in any of these fancy suits.

  5. Phelps was mad when he lost to a super suit. However, when he won WITH a super suit at 2008 he didn』t complain. That』s really unfair.
    He』s a great swimmer but some of his records seem tainted to me

  6. Why are you making a monster out of Cavic? Totally ridiculous. What you say about him applies equally to Phelps. I remember when all US swimmers showed up with the cupping marks on their shoulders and no one asked why…just because Cavic represents a small, insignificant country to you does not mean he is a monster and he made his achievements inappropriately. Totally ridiculous insinuations. More so that every one in those days had those suits. Unsubscribe from me!

  7. Running having the same problem now

  8. Theres a big difference between making it better and making it unfair.
    Not sure if Phelps proved a point cause hes one in a million, but makes me wonder : would Ian Thorpe beat him in that final (2004) if wasnt for the suit?

  9. Tech suits died because Phelpls was jealous.

  10. The suits were a mistake, yes… and banning them was also a mistake.

  11. The suits were so unfair, especially to poorer athletes like Phelps who couldn't afford them.

  12. Honeeyyy… where's my SUPERSUIT??

  13. I'm left confused. So why did they ban the suits? This video built up to this final matchdown, but I don't see what happened there that would get the suits burnt.

  14. Disasterous clip. Presenting Čavić like a super villain from a low budget sf movie

  15. Money and greed… u mean everything American?…

  16. So much hate for the tech suits, yet Nobody speaks of the amazing advancement in technology. Sports like war is one of the few places where it is profitable to develop new tech.
    However sports is far more pleasant a catalyst for tech development.
    F1 and stock car racing lead the world in development of the motor car in every aspect from speed handling to safety. Sailing also has never stagnated from developments in technology the thought of running Americas cup in a single hull boat today would be mad. All of these technologies often find applications outside of original purpose and benefit all humanity. Banning the tech robs the world of advancements to our civilisation.

  17. Comparing the suit Thorpe wore in 2004 to the suits from 2008 and 2009 is like comparing a car from 1934 to a (non hybrid) 2021 car. Yes, technically both are motor vehicles with an internal combustion engine but one is clearly more advanced than the other.

    Thorpe's suit didn't compress the body anywhere near as efficiently. It didn't have anywhere near the efficient use of polyurethane panels over high drag body areas like in the Speedo LZR or be a pure polyurethane suit like the Arena suits. Nor did it contain technology like increasing blood flow to muscles or trapping water for buoyancy.

    And in 1999 when Thorpe broke all those world records he wasn't wearing a suit.

    Fact is other swimmers from the 2000 to 2004 could have worn suits like that if they wanted to but they chose not to.

  18. Phelps didn』t mind when he was winning using these things. Hypocrite

  19. I am so confused. I don't think you answered the question at all

  20. hoNEEEY? Where is my super suit?

  21. I was so glad they banned them

  22. And this is exactly what』s going on with supershoes right now, yet the WAF just kinda threw up their hands and said, 「Oh well, wear them.」

  23. Imagine Dressel with the super suit

  24. The same problem is currently happening in athletics with the new shoes. They are so much better than the ones even just 20 years ago.

  25. First, the supersuits broke the records.
    Now, doping does the job.

  26. Absolutely. They should have never been introduced to the races.

  27. Lack of logic in the final argument. If 「everything changed」 after the swimmer's victory over the suit, why ban it?

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