7天游泳完美 [英語][Skills NT]

這不是典型的游泳教程。 我們正在嘗試新事物,以便為您帶來最大的價值,同時又不乏味。 我們將通過更長的視頻來改變現狀。 在我們的兩次游泳訓練營之後,我們有了新的和改進的方法來教您最適合您的正確游泳技術。 由於我們不是在那裡親自見您和教您,我們還將為您提供工具來教授和糾正自己的最佳游泳方式。 我們的目標是向您展示一條更有意義、更有趣的游泳之路。 與我們一起旅行的最佳方式是做三件事:1- 訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道:2- 與您的游泳夥伴分享我們的視頻。 3- 訂閱我們的時事通訊; 如果您是我們頻道的新手,歡迎您! 如果您已經關注我們一段時間了,我希望您喜歡我們所說的這種演變或第 2 季。 我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品: Instragram:Facebook:來源:It Burns:Marc Fennell 培育世界上最辣辣椒的醜聞蔓延感謝觀看! 游得快!


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

18 留言

  1. If you could only watch one swimming video in your lifetime, this would be it.

  2. Yo I'm German and I am impressed you said Einsteins name correct. I have lived in South America for 12 years and I never heard it pronounced correctly. Also thanks for your videos :)

  3. Wooow this applies to everything you want to learn in life not just swimming. I love this…. im learning more and more..

  4. finally i can learn swimming on my own with ur coaching

  5. I swim everyday and can say am close to it

  6. Amazing video! Such a level of detail and dedication takes a lot of time. It has really paid off. Thanks for sharing

  7. A very good video. Unfortunately, my right arm will be in a sling for up to six weeks. In the future, do you think that you could organize these lesson in a DVD? It would make a wonderful collection to my library.

  8. no solo ayuda a nadar, ayuda para la vida, muchas gracias…

  9. I do stop ur video the moment I heard that men comes from ape's,happy trip..

  10. I practice open ocean swimming 5-7 times a week without wetsuit.
    What you can learn in a lifetime in a dead water pool you will learn it in few weeks in the elements.
    Best regards.

  11. YouTube is a mine and your channel is a gold vein. Thank you for these amazing videos!
    Also I would love to participate in a camp if ever you did one in France.

  12. I am 62. Can I still learn it?

  13. Hello, I have learn alot in how to better my swimming by watching your videos. Thank you. By the way I think you are very handsome. :)

  14. Sharing this video with your swimmer friends is one of the nicest things you can do for us! Thanks for watching! Swim fast!

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