提高初學者的蝴蝶游泳(5 個階段)技術 [英語][Skills NT]

這是一個指南,可以幫助您游蝶泳而不會感到疲倦。 它由5個階段組成。 我並不是說你會看到這個視頻,你會立即去游泳池游泳數百碼而不出汗。 不不,在此視頻中,我將向您展示一系列漸進式練習,如果做得好,您可以進行這些練習,並且通常會幫助您建立肌肉記憶,從而實現輕鬆的蝶泳。 隨著肌肉記憶,您將培養耐力,這是游泳所有事物的基礎。 現在你可以做一整天的練習,但在一天結束時,你無法逃避真實的事情。 全蝶游泳對您最有幫助。 如果你的肩膀很強壯,你的核心很緊,你有很好的腳踝柔韌性,那麼現在你已經掌握了你的技術,你就可以游得平穩而快速的蝶泳了。 只記得適當地熱身,然後伸展。 核心練習視頻:精簡靈活性:技能 NT 商店:訂閱我們的電子郵件列表:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:成為我們的 Patreon: Instragram:感謝觀看! 游得快! 歌曲:What True Self, Feels Bogus, Let’s Watch Jason X by Chris Zabriskie 藝術家:


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

39 留言

  1. Well, 2 years later, I am trying to remember how to swim the fly…. My lap pal said he would learn my over arm side stroke if I took up the fly again. Funny thing I noticed with the kick, is that there does appear to be a surge kick as Gary Hall Sr. calls it, or a power kick as I call it. It is on the stroke where you breathe. You both use a higher amplitude kick when you breathe, and a less amplitude kick when you are not breathing. My dolphin kick is pretty whimpy….

  2. No you are true for swimming hundreds of yards without sweating

  3. this channel has the best guides I've ever found on YT

  4. 2:32 when this is basically the only thing you did all summer in practice

  5. 아니 무슨 4단계 5단계 갭차이 보소

  6. It was only after I started teaching butterfly did I actually learn to do it. Through the stages. Would never use a kick bored for dolphin kick drills. Would use a noodle as not to strain the back and keep the noodle at the hips area.

  7. Thank you. A very good demonstration!

  8. Gonna do the YMCA swim tryouts today, watching this video cuz I suck at butterfly… wish me luck!

  9. This is the best video to learn butterfly style.

  10. Tradução para português absolutamente horrível. Traduzir "Improve" ("Melhora") por "Improvisa" é mau demais para ser verdade! Lol. Loooool!!!

  11. Thank you for all these keys !

    I have à question : i Want to cross a 8km lake in butterfly stroke.

    Do you have a simple program to follow ?
    Swim 3 times / week slow pace maximum distance for example?

    Do you think i should spend long distance/Time on Vasa traîner ?
    Like dry land training ?

    Thank you for your feed back.

  12. Really good video! Thank you, I did these exercises today and they helped out a lot

  13. What my coach says is that after my recovery I glide my arms in the water for a second instead of going into the next stroke but when I try to go straight into the next stroke I get really exhausted and can only do 75m? Do you know why?

  14. i m from the mid west, masters swimmer and i love your vids brother!

  15. The problem with swim video's is not knowing what the real tempo is. I have seen some underwater dolphin kicks that are really fast and others that seems really slow.

  16. Trying to build endurance..inside pool exercises and dry land. Build core strength

  17. My butterfly is getting stronger, but I am only using it form individual medley.

  18. I feel like Butterfly your eye keep looking downwards is it we need to look down?

  19. I recommend everyone starting with ballet in life. I was a ballet dancer and now I am doing crossfit and swimming. And so easy once u started ur life with ballet. Every single sport needs flexibility agility and control of the body, once you started ballet evey single other sport is so easy to start and have control. I started liking swiming 3 days ago and now I am feeling like a pro. Just watching this videos and practicing. So remenber BALLET is the key

  20. My butterfly used to be bad, and I mean REALLY bad. Like, the only strokes I could do were freestyle and backstroke. I've been doing mostly just backstroke as my main stroke for almost a year now, as I'd basically given up on all my other strokes. But after so much backstroke, I just decided that I needed a change. So on this really, really hard set, I did butterfly. I was so close to changing my stroke or just giving up. But then I think I reached the tired capacity, and suddenly I could swim like 500 more yards butterfly (Cause I was barely making the intervals so it was basically non-stop butterfly). I got so exhausted that I couldn't get any more tired, and after the set was over, I actually felt proud of my butterfly. I did it more and more and eventually, my butterfly just became a lot better. For me, it wasn't technique or strength that I lacked, it was mainly just the ability to just DO IT. In the next meet, I dropped 7 seconds in the 100 fly and 19 seconds in the 200.

  21. The dumbest and most impractical swimming stroke.

  22. 번역 글 때문에 수영하는 모습이 안보이는게 단점~~^^

  23. Haces más largos los vídeos en inglés que en español.

  24. I think my coach watches your channel cuz we do ALL of these drills.

  25. Thank you for your goood video.

  26. I am 63 & i am practicing the different swimming technics , i feel my progress gradually. Age is " number"

  27. I don't see why people disliked this video


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