蛙泳引体向上教程。 游泳更快的乳房 [英语][Skills NT]

1 次蝶泳,1 次蛙泳拉,1 次蛙泳踢。 最重要的是保持身体紧绷并处于水平位置。 您的流线应该非常紧凑。 你只有一次蝶泳,所以通过做一个有力的来让它计数。 你的手臂会尽可能多地吸水,然后落到身体两侧。 从那里你必须耸耸肩并稍作停顿。 现在,您将尽可能以最接近身体的方式恢复手臂。 踢腿与手臂的恢复同时进行。 踢腿的作用是给你最后一次向前和向上的推动,以打破水面。 蛙泳引体向上就是动作和停顿。 本视频由大毛巾公司赞助! 他们寄给我们两条毛巾,老实说,这是我用过的最好的毛巾。 面料柔软,吸收所有水分,干得很快,看起来就像你用过一样! 最重要的是它可以装在这个小网眼袋里,非常适合旅行! 如果您想在这里购买一键:Skills NT Shop:电子邮件列表:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:如果您想要独家内容,请查看我们的 Patreon 页面! 如果你想和我们的模因一起笑,请在 Instagram 上关注我们。 如果您使用 twitter 或 facebook,我们也在那里! 感谢收看! 游得快!


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

16 留言

  1. Thanks man, I have a breaststroke event in 20 min and this really helped

  2. I find this so hard to do after 2 laps cause I’m out of breathe and can’t hold it for long underwater

  3. are these towels sold anymore? I can't find them.

  4. any reason for the shoulder shrug after the arm pull? also any benefits of the fly kick, pause, pull, pause, breast kick compared to the fly kick and pull, pause, breast kick? I've been swimming all my life combining the fly kick and arm pull, so the separation of the fly kick and the arm pull feels unnatural to me

  5. I needed this cause regionals is tomorrow

  6. With my pullout and my breaststroke when I kick it slows me down so when it comes to the pullout I do dolphin kick, pull, and breaststroke kick but when I do the last kick it stops me from gliding and same goes for my stroke when I kick it is like I am going backwards and I can’t figure out why… help?

  7. thank u, I'm going to a swim meet next week and i needed to know how to do the pullout correctly

  8. hello, I am a swimmer. IDK why wrote this comment just felt like I needed to

  9. 수건어떻게사나요?

  10. im probably gonna forget how to swim after quarantine

  11. thx a lot , thx 4 ur effort

  12. Your explanation is very clear. Thank you.

  13. the GTC towel link redirects to an eyelash growth serum…:)

  14. 매일같이 보고 있습니다.역시 멋있습니다.수영장에서 나름데로 열심이 생각하면서 수영을하고 있습니다.

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