克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多如何使用游泳? [英语][Skills NT]

谈到高水平的运动表现,克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多可能是世界上最痴迷的人。 众所周知,他使用游泳作为他的恢复方法之一。 所以,我认为这将是一个简单的视频。 我想我会向每项运动的运动员推荐游泳,以提高他们的表现。 但水上的事情绝非易事。 随着我阅读越来越多的研究,事情变得越来越复杂。 现在我不确定是否向所有运动员推荐游泳。 最初,我想向非游泳运动员推荐游泳的原因是:Recovery Resistance Focus Rehab Corestrength 我们的旱地频道:游泳营:如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:Instragram:Facebook : 谢谢收看! 游泳快! 资料来源:托尼·霍克与莱尔德·汉密尔顿一起冲浪 | Joe Rogan Aloha Traveler Laird Hamilton 参加 Teahupoo Laird Hamilton Laird Hamilton 的力量训练锻炼 艰苦的水下锻炼 | XPT 冰浴、泳池训练和呼吸训练与 Laird Hamilton、Gabby Reece 和 PJ Nestler RIDE Channel 托尼霍克滑冰第一个向下螺旋环 – BTS 00:00 – ¿ 游泳对运动员有用吗? 00:37 – 恢复 01:50 – 耐力和耐力 03:01 – 初学者的思维 03:47 – 游泳康复 04:14 – 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多。


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

36 留言

  1. Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

  2. I absolutely agree with you.

  3. Swimming is good for everything mate it even build muscles . It has a healing function that why water is used for rehabilitation after surgery’s

  4. I've got osteoporosis and a stiff neck. I've consulted numerous spine specialist and chiropractors with no luck. The pain at times is just intolerable but many doctors suggested me to swim. I've started like a week ago and I'm an amateur swimmer. Hope it helps me fix my spine, though I'm enjoying my time at the pool everyday.

  5. Swimming doesn't do the same thing as altitude training. You could hold your breath when running and say it's the same as training at 2000m as well

  6. I swim because it helps me mountainbike, you need upper body strenght for mountainbiking but you don't develop those by only mountainbiking. And i'm also convinced that i have less chance on injuries after crashes.

  7. Pless transley to indonesia thnk

  8. Hello!!!
    I am yours fanat!
    lernen doych.
    sorry from mistakes….
    maid video for paraswimming???

  9. try 9 hrs of sleep, extra filtered water drinks, 2 banana, cold shower then 30mins in a hot tub ?

  10. Why doesn’t Ronaldo just use a pull bouy?

  11. swimming is my life

  12. Thanks to your videos on breaststroke and freestyle, I am slowly improving, I saw your freestyle kick video with A-Aron and seeing he kicked and doing the exercises made me kick a lot better and faster, I stopped bending my knees as much and use my core a lot more now

  13. im football player and i go 3 time wecjly to swimme 2 kilometer and i can agree it helpe me a lot at the level of condition and to avoid the injury . thanks a lot sire. your chanel is the best

  14. I don't care what anybody says. Swimming is the best for everything physical. You'll use muscles you never knew you had. You'll get a full body work out. You'll build crazy endurance. Why even talk about altitude anything when you're busy not breathing all together?

  15. Just spend time in the water. RELAX and become friend with it.

  16. Indonesian translate please

  17. Some good recovery techniques are:

    Extra, extra and extra sleep

    Herbal tea

    The right Vitamin and minerals supplements


    Massage machine

  18. please add Turkish subtitles

  19. Never mind dipping, get some bloody goals scored …

  20. Can you please do a video on how to swim with good technique at fast speeds? i struggle to keep my good form and posture through the water when im trying to swim at my fastest 50 or 100 meter efforts which means i am quite slow, compared to how fast i can swim a 1500m.
    any tips welcome!

  21. Ronaldo swims with many mistakes haha Ex: drop elbows ; breathe…

  22. tsuuuuuuim or not tsuuuuuuim joao is the question

  23. Doing a Snorkel on 1.5km then do biking the next day is like a turbo boost of energy.try it.

  24. That's why cold water ocean swimming is great

  25. One thing for sure, if you are burned out from mental and physical exhaustion. The last thing you want to do is more physical and mental exhaustion.
    Rest and relaxation is the best recovery.

  26. I need a vacation from a vacation.

  27. i'm surprised we even need a video for this.. swimming is a low impact sport period.. less stress on joints/body especially when you need to run.. don't even need to go into it any further..

  28. I DO agree with you !! ;)))

  29. Just wanted to say your videos have helped me improve swimming. 4 weeks ago I could hardly swim after not swimming since I was a child. (over 15 years ago) I saw your smoothest swimming video (the step by step guide to arrow freestyle) and using that and your other videos I can now swim a 25m length on 1 breathe comfortably as well as 3 lengths with a flip turn breathing every 3 strokes!!

    I was 14 stone at 5ft 8 and am just over 13.2 stone in just 4 weeks and feel great!

    Thanks again
    Next Ill be practicing flip turns and dolphin kicks and aiming for 4 lengths at a consistent pace!!

  30. Cross training is important to all sports.

  31. Live 6,003 ft. Above sea level and swim

  32. great content! the beginner's mind chapter is totally right, I realized that trying different sports and physical activities. I would like to suggest you to take a look at elite boxers day off, a lot of them use to go swimming, but just like cristiano, they don't focus on proper swimming technique, they swim just to relax and to change their routine

  33. earlyyyy `i love your videos btw

  34. for my ironman training I dedicated more and more training volume to swimming: first because my swimming was bad, but after a while I noticed that it helps my overall endurance, core strength and mobility for both bike and run as well, without the danger of injuries. Now after half a year 6h~16km a week in the pool and starting to love swimming.

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