该视频将为您节省大量时间和挫折。 我们将与您分享我们在过去 5 年的研究中学到的东西,以及我和我兄弟各自拥有的 20 多年游泳经验。 视频格式不同,但它是帮助您尽快改进的最佳方式。 00:00 – 游泳更省力 00:19 – 像铁人三项运动员一样游泳 01:00 – 隐藏的问题 02:43 – 推墙 03:35 – 丹尼斯 03:53 – 核心肌肉 04:53 – 拉浮标 06 :37 – 在水面上游泳? 07:39 – 呼吸技巧我们的旱地频道:游泳营:加入我们的 Discord(游泳社区):如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页:Tik tok:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:Instragram:Facebook:感谢观看! 游得快! 资料来源:。
标签Skills NT 中风 如何游泳 学游泳 技术 技能 技能 n 天赋 教程 新台币 游得更快 游泳 游泳技术 游泳教程 游泳自由泳 游泳视频 爬行 翻动 翻转 转弯 轻松游泳 轻松游泳英语Skills
Fantastic video .Thanks so much

I am exactly at the same situation as Aaron but u lost me once you said the side kick. I never tried that and I don’t know where to begin :(
You've done messed up A-aron!!!!
How can I translate this video? I want to share this with my brazilian people…
Follow this video series in order:
1- Swim with LESS Effort: https://youtu.be/9Wm0kyjtmaE
2- Is it really easier to kick less?: https://youtu.be/GMuYSlli3io
3- The Most Important Body Part In Swimming: https://youtu.be/CxhHPhKEtSI
You couldn’t have described it better . Thank you . Alex I hope this helps
A-A-Ron and D-Nice?? LMAO…. Comedy Central wins again!! I'm trying to figure out if this video is meant for comedy overall or if there is actual content in here that is good.
Wow thank you for the vidéo
Just learning to swim for the last two month. Your video truly helps
We want this app so bad!!!
i dont see american as a nationality for when i sign up for the app
Been practicing a few years but still having breath problems. This video is very helpful!
You been stalking me in the pool ? Subscribed anyway :D
Parece que me espiaron mi entrenamiento hoy X Dios!
¿Cuántas brazadas deberías aguantar antes de tomar aire?
I got everything u describe. U are correct !
Wtf is a a ron
Wow wow wow wowowowowowowowowoowwoowowowowowowowowowowowowowo. I’ve swam since I was 8 and I’m 29 now…this is hitting the nail on the head. I think I’m gonna change my name to Aaron…or B-lakay.
KICKING has always made me feel like I wasn’t really a swimmer. Watching the follow up of this video feels like watching another episode of a very good series lmao. Tremendo!
This commentary is actually amazing because it' points out they challenges of not only learning, but teaching, and the journey we are expected to face before we improve.
Yoga stretching is the solution…before and after practice @!
Very helpful. Thanks
I’m Aaron
Thanks for your sharing
Awesome video..m
Amazing content, thanks !
THANK YOU! This channel is the BEST!
Thank you soo muchh!!! ;__;)
This was awesome!
I can perform 2-2 beat, but I get used to it so much over the time that I'm barely do a kick. I'm worried that my kick is weak. And it is really difficult for me to swim 2-6, I can swim at max 200m without getting tired (with 2-2 I can go beyond 1 km). Any suggestions?
This npc is such a Aaron…
Should sick to running…..