挑戰很簡單:在游泳比賽中擊敗 Fares Ksebati,贏得 100 美元。💰 在亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾的 Swim Devil Masters 比賽中,幾名游泳者讓 Fares 為他的錢而奔跑……真的! 💯 那麼你怎麼看……你準備好迎接挑戰了嗎? 📲 MySwimPro 培訓應用程序:🏅 VIP Facebook 群組:🚀 7 天游泳更快指南:📚 像專業書一樣游泳:👕 獲取 MySwimPro 商品:teespring.com/stores/myswimpro 🏊♀️ 購買游泳裝備:💨 10% 折扣Airofit 的帶有代碼 MySwimPro10 的呼吸訓練器:游泳技巧:💨 更多自由式呼吸技巧:🔄 如何進行自由式翻轉 – 5 步指南 🏊🏽♀️ 5 種適合初學者游泳者的自由式練習 💪 如何提高您的自由式拉力和接球:加入社區:📸 Instagram:🎥 Facebook:🐦 Twitter:🍭 TikTok:🌎訂閱我們的社區頻道! 關於 MySwimPro:MySwimPro 是世界上排名第一的游泳者健身應用程序! MySwimPro 是一位私人教練,通過提供個性化的訓練計劃、鍛煉、技術視頻和分析,幫助 180 多個國家/地區的游泳者提高表現和健康。 MySwimPro 應用程序可在 iPhone、Android、Apple Watch 和 Garmin 智能手錶上使用。 關於 Coach Fares: Fares Ksebati 是 MySwimPro 的聯合創始人兼首席執行官。 他是 3 次美國個人游泳大師賽全國冠軍和博斯普魯斯海峽跨大陸遊泳運動員。 Fares 是美國游泳教練協會的會員,也是獲得美國鐵人三項教練認證的教練。 他是 Swim Like A Pro 的作者,喜歡幫助游泳者充分發揮潛力。 在社交媒體上關注他@FaresKsebati!
標籤MySwimPro 在游泳比賽中擊敗我贏取 美元現金英語
Are you swimming meters or yards?
When he goes from morph suit to tech suit
I reckon I'd get him %100
I』ll race him
25 meters or 25 yards?
yards or meters?
Very cool watch!!
this dude has the perfect form if course he's great
Is like to do that or try
I wish I could swim against you
Omg! This is so incredibly entertaining!!! You are so creative and generous!
I wanna race!!
It's 25 meters or yarde? Because in 25 meters I do easy 11 sec
Was this meters or yards?
Why are the blocks so small lmao
Awesome really cool from , Brooklyn,New York
this is great!!!!!!
If I were to race you your money would be quite safe :-)
I mean… who could have known the difference between a MORPHSUIT and a LZR SUIT, right?
That's awesome
How do I enter this!!??
Come on what stroke . I will try to be there
Can I wear fins?