有史以來最出色的游泳成績(北京,2008年)| 白板星期三 [英語]

2008年北京奧運會男子4x100m自由泳接力賽是有史以來最具標誌性的比賽之一。 我們將詳細介紹美國隊如何取得史詩般的勝利! 觀看2008北京奧運會➡️令人難以置信的比賽錄像。 另請注意:白板上顯示Jason Lezak的總時間為47.06的錯誤,應顯示為46.06。 ____________________________________________推薦的游泳裝備➡️。 Check️查看完整的博客:➡️⬅️永遠不要錯過#SwimTip訂閱➡️⬅️您是否正在訓練鐵人三項? 看看MyTriPro! 訂閱➡️⬅️______________________________________________如何像Michael Phelps和KatinkaHossúú那樣游泳400 IM➡️⬅️如何游泳200和400 Freestyle | #WhiteboardWednesday➡️⬅️______________________________________________有關更多有用的游泳技巧,請在我們所有的社交渠道上關注@MySwimPro:博客:Facebook:Instagram:Twitter:SoundCloud:TikTok:MySwimPro全球社區組織:____________________________________________ MySwimPro是全球游泳者排名第一的應用超過一百萬的全球社區成員! 超過180個國家/地區的游泳者使用MySwimPro來跟蹤他們的鍛煉並遵循個性化游泳訓練計劃,通過視頻演練來提高技術水平,並使用高級分析來跟蹤他們的進度。 MySwimPro可以在iOS和Android上免費下載,並與最受歡迎的智能手錶兼容。 MySwimPro被Apple評為「年度最佳手錶應用程序」,並在《體育畫報》等國際出版物中得到推薦。 ______________________________________________關於Fares Ksebati:Fares是MySwimPro的聯合創始人兼首席執行官。 他是國際公認的游泳教練,美國游泳教練協會會員和美國鐵人三項認證教練。 票價是美國游泳大師賽全國冠軍的3倍,並在游泳池和公開水域比賽中進行國際比賽。 他熱衷於授權人們實現其個人健身和生活目標! 在社交媒體上關注他:@faresksebati


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27 留言

  1. the suits helped a lot tho'

  2. wow great breakdown thank you

  3. With all due respect, and I do appreciate your effort and work that went into this break down into why, in your own personal and professional opinion, there is a reason to declare this as the greatest swimming performance of all time. I however disagree with this opinion of yours, and after watching this though in its entirety, I do have concerns- and not just based on your video title alone, in which you aren't specifying this as just greatest swim ever in Olympic history, rather that this does in fact appear to be of your personal opinion to be the greatest OVERALL swimming performance in what we might call the history of Modern day swimming. For example, when I read that title, I presume you've done a thoroughly exhaustive amount of research in competitive swimming from the beginning days of FINA. Or, perhaps because of possible questions in veracity of results pre-automatic electronic timing, maybe starting from that point? My first ever summer Olympic Games I was able to watch, by then a 14 yr old in my 8th year of competitive swimming, was the LA Games in '84. uhm- the importance of winning this race as being necessary for Phelps to continue his chance at 8 golds aside (an unfair distraction in my opinion to the fact that Jason, as did the others swim out of their minds), I am curious if you at all looked back at that INCREDIBLE almost unbelievable to watch, gutsy swim by Bruce Hayes, who dove in AHEAD by just about a second, and actually then comes from behind too JUST out touch Gross (who's wingspan was JUST inside 7 feet!) in his 200 free split anchor in the so called "Gross-busters" winning relay? That winning relay- double the distance of THIS relay above, was won by a winning margin of a mere .04! Now, to my knowledge perhaps somewhere in history, there HAVE been ties for a medal in either an individual or relay race at 400 meters. But I have NEVER heard of any tie, or race THAT close before or since on the international arena in an 800 single or relay race. Yes- Jason's difference between his split and actually flat start race times of almost 1.5 seconds at the time- that IS remarkable. So I'm not sure if its as fair to compare his one time unique drop in this race with that of Hayes in '84, since he was specifically placed by Don Ganbrill on anchor against Gross, specifically because Hayes was notorious as it was as a good come from behind swimmer, but moreso, because he had previously demonstrated in high pressure relay anchor legs, his ability under pressure to drop huge anchor splits in his relays. His best flat start time WAS about a 1:49.7, but after diving in a second ahead, was passed by Gross either just before or by the first 50. In the second half of his 3rd 50- as you can see on youtube- Hayes' turnover starts to increase noticeably. By the middle of the last last 50, turnover is ever faster AND he's now smartly moved against the lane line next to Gross, swimming in his wake- and by now, for someone who finaled in the mile at the Worlds in Guayaquil in '82- he's got an unusually fast turnover. I'll just say that I don't disagree with your facts that go into your decision, but its sad when such amazingly incredible swims like that relay are so often forgotten or disregarded or discarded even to only history books. If you want get even pickier- talking about someone who did an incredible 100 meter race time drop, maybe the only one that comes close to comparison with Lezak- Mary T Meagher- in the age of GDR women on oral turinabol- drops her flat start 100 fly from 59.26 to 57.93, in a pool that got a bad reputation at the time for being inconsistent in its depth, and in a mere lycra suit. Not a paper suit. Not a body suit. and certainly NOT in the supersuits. 57.93? that lasted 18 years. Not this hype about Jason's 10 years. And the next fastest 100Flyer that year was 100:4 by the GDR's Ute Geweniger at the European's. And she even benefited from what by then where pre race injections of a quasi nandrolone metabolite that the GDR doctors on the IOC medical commission figured out would remain undetected in doping testing of the time. hmmmm

  4. And in the 2019 world championships, Duncan Scott split a 21,82 and then a 24,32, resulting in a 46,14, the second fastest relay split in history, and the fastest last 50 in history!

  5. Check out Ian Thorpe's first World Championship – greatest finish of all time. He gave the previous world champion Grant Hackett, 3 seconds start on the last 100m. And well over a second (close to 2 seconds) on the last lap …See it here:

  6. Naaaaaaaaaaaah. The 4 x 100m Mens in Sydney. Gary Hall Jnr's big mouth (and ego) sees Team USA "smashed like guitars" …

  7. Watch the incredible race footage from the 2008 Beijing Olympics ➡️. https://bit.ly/38DdACt

    Also note: there is an error on the whiteboard showing Jason Lezak's total time is 47.06, it should read 46.06!

  8. Explain the him riding the way to help speed him up please. Is it like drag?

  9. 46.06. A number to remember.

  10. Lezak drafting happened in the 2nd 50m, he was completely surfing the wave created by Alain Bernard, his experience and lucidity made the difference in that race

  11. Duncan Scott almost broke this record at worlds 2019 with an anchor time of 46.14 in a medley relay.

  12. Ummm. Typo. Its 46.06 the board shows 47.06

  13. We also can't forget that wall by Lezak. It's not really talked about too much but he probably made up a good 1/4 of a body length there and it put him right on Bernard's hip to slingshot past him

  14. Very good analysis !

    The amazing performance of Lezak killed the french !
    I will be curious that you analysed the performance of Alain Bernard during this olympic. If you look behind the scene a bit you can notice that :
    During the relay, the excitation made Alain Bernard swam with a frequency way much higher than during his individual race an usual 100m. That's one of the reason Alain swam "slow", for a guy that swim 47.1 flat start, 46.73 relay is not that good.
    And interesting to see the strong mind of Alain bernard after that, This relay could have killed his mental strenght but he came back stronger despite the disapointment to win the 100m individual. But that's another story =)

    Great race anyway ! As french I'm happy we used the lesson to came back in 2012 :p from 2008 to 2016 I loved those confrontation during the relay between french/US/australian. Everytime it was not the favorite and faster on paper, showing us that the team spirit it's what can make a relay win more that indiviual talent =D

  15. I grew up swimming and have watched the relay at least 30 times! My favorite all time race!

  16. A math error: 21.5 + 24.56 = 46.06 The board shows 47.06

  17. Another thing I would add is persistence. Lezak was the only member of the 2008 Beijing relay who was on the Sydney 2000 4×100 free relay which got silver, and the Athens 2004 relay which got bronze. What』s worse besides the obvious downgrade was that Lezak was ran down by PVDH at the end in Athens. Lezak was sick of loosing and sick of being blamed for the 4×100 free gold drought. If it was anyone who was going to bring it home for Team USA in Beijing, it was going to be the one who has been down the most, because victory is so much sweeter after you』ve tasted the bittersweet of defeat (twice).

  18. Excellent video very informative in ways few ever bother to analyse, it makes for good storytelling , Lezak doesn't get the attention that much, yet here this guy that no one pays attention to does something utterly mind blowing…and he's 32 when he does it !! WTH?!?!

  19. the year before i was born..

  20. Adress the 100m fly beijing where michael won by 0.01

  21. This is definitely the greatest Olympic swim event ever! The USA team swam an incredible race that shocked everyone, especially the French.

  22. Interesting video! Lezak had a 0.04 takeover – have a look in the official results book, on page 1303: https://swimnews.dk/upload/2008Results_Book.pdf

  23. I remember this race to this day and I'm not even a swimmer :)

  24. Very well presented. It was definitely was of the greatest moments in the history of swimming and the reason why Lezack will be remembered most. I really enjoy these videos as they cover very interest topics (sometimes technically complex :) ) in a very concise way. MSP rocks!


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