如何為初學者踩水» 維基有用游泳課 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

在 5 分鐘內學會踩水。 踩水是一項重要的生存技能,如果沒有正確的技術,它可能會讓人筋疲力盡。 踩水不會感到疲倦或筋疲力盡。 不要忘記與您的朋友和家人分享視頻,這樣他們也可以學習游泳! 《踏水》《如何游泳》《無臂踏水》《學游泳》《初級游泳課》


關於 Swimming Lessons

35 留言


  2. When I am on my back, my head goes under water.
    I do not know what I do wrong, but I cannot keep my mouth and nose above water for very long.

  3. I was sitting on side of the pool. The water level was upto my chest and my friend suddenly pushed me into the pool from behind. I was breathless and water went in my nose and mouth. My hands were above the water. I tried touching the floor with my legs so that I can reach my head above the water and breathe but I kept going down. I don't know how to swim.

  4. I think another important point is you got to stay relaxed. Somehow the more relaxed you are the more buoyant you are.

  5. I don』t get this for some reason I can』t float

  6. Sir,

    You're the best teaching coach ever on the YouTube channel.

    Thank you

  7. i went swimming in 11 ft water….

  8. I'm learning more from you than my current instructor!

  9. Your teaching skill is awesome, clear, effective, and straight to the point

  10. Why do people dislike this kind of videos?

  11. if the water is not calm, is there anything else you would do?

  12. Nope. Inflate your chest it's a natural buoyancy. Treading water the way you treat it will run you out of energy fast. You cycle with your hands like your peddling a bicycle. And same with your legs bent at the knees. And you can do it slowly at 10 percent exertion. So your normal treading position is death

  13. I don』t need my ears to breathe, just my nose and mouth…Thank your for your true compassion for others, especially for us strangers, teaching us how to survive.

  14. Coach Mike, You are the best!!! I'm 47 years young and can finally swim thanks to you!

  15. Wow! You can't imagine how useful your videos are!! Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge! You've got a new subscriber!

  16. I really can't get this right. I also envy people who swim with their heads above water.

  17. I can float on my belly, but sink immediately if i lay on my back. Lol

  18. Always feel like I'm sinking when attempting to float on my back. Perhaps I'm panicking and not relaxing. The Navy taught me to throw my head back towards the sky behind me while pushing water under my back. Got me out of bootcamp.

  19. This was sooo damn helpful and encouraging! EVERYONE should be required to watch this video. I'm in my 40's and never have seen such a poignant video on surviving in the water…and I am a surfer!

  20. Why does he sound like he's under water?

  21. That is the worst technique for treading water and it is irresponsible to teach as a beginner method. That is what we taught children, back in the 70s, when we didn't know what the hell we were doing. You are basically guaranteeing that a person will be gassed out in a few minutes. 
    There are two other techniques which are much lower impact and I have been doing them for decades. At 51, I have only recently quit smoking, I'm out of shape and just gotten back into the pool. And yet, I regularly tread water for an hour straight — without ever breathing through my mouth.
    The two techniques are frog kick and bent knee scissor kick. Both of these techniques are done once per second — or fewer. With the frog kick, (not unlike breast stroke leg kicks) you are aided by having your legs spread wide during the kick, with your arms doing large, horizontal forward ovals under the water's surface. The scissor-kick technique can sometimes look like the crane technique, a la Daniel-san in Karate Kid, in that you are aided by sometimes bringing your knees up. Your arms can also resemble what Daniel does in performing that kick, or flapping your arms slowly, like a large bird. They key to both techniques is to discover how few of these you can do while still achieving the result of keeping your chin above water. The more forceful you are with your leg kicks, the more you accomplish giving your whole body a rest. Trust me, you will basically never get tired if you can learn and master these low impact methods. The beauty is that you have two or even three different techniques in your tool belt that you can switch up to keep from fatiguing. 
    The benefit for me is that I get a total body workout even superior to swimming because I am constantly moving, without a break. And yet, I am totally calm and relaxed in the water, without ever having to open my mouth to breathe. Afterwards, throughout the day though, my body knows how hard it worked.

  22. I'm one of those people who is more dense than water. I literally sink. I'll try out these techniques.

  23. I cannot for the life of me do the kicking part of treading water. The moment I start kicking I sink.

  24. What kind of swimming trunk are you wearing? It seems to be a hybrid of speedo and beach shorts? I am looking for something looser than speedo but not as floppy as regular beach shorts.

  25. They didn't teach treading water in early 80's swim school, only floating & freestyle. In high school 10 years later, they expected everyone to tread water.

  26. Amazing lesson. Thank you!

  27. Not much information about treading water. No information on proper leg motion. Should be called "survival for beginners".


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