游泳時要避免的 5 個最常見錯誤 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

該視頻解決了初學者在游泳時最常犯的 5 個錯誤。 邁克教練會告訴我們我們應該怎麼做才能避免這些游泳錯誤。 糾正這些錯誤會讓你游得更快更好。 我們將看看以下錯誤: 1:高估自己的能力 2:不切實際的期望 3:呼吸 4:下沉腿 5:頭部位置 不要忘記與您的朋友和家人分享視頻,這樣他們也可以學習游泳!


關於 Swimming Lessons

22 留言

  1. Congratulation for 1 millions subs in advance.

  2. I friend hold my hands and asked me to float on water but I couldn't. My legs would sink down and she kept telling me to put all my weight on the water.

  3. Who is watching this, whilst underwater?

  4. those are literally the 5 mistakes I make the most … incredible

  5. He must have elephant lungs

  6. I thought I could still swim, went to the beach yesterday… Found out I definatelly could not still swim lmao

  7. Just how do you have your head low and breath

  8. when i just use my legs i go backwards

  9. Pretty good tips. I'm a swimming teacher too and it's nice to see someone on youtube teaching basics to people who want to learn to swim.

    Too often I see stupid drills which are designed for elite swimmers or at the very least club level, especially when it comes to butterfly.

    It's far more important to swim with ease and confidence then swim fast.

    I like how you talk about the physics then demonstrate yourself rather than looking for a shirt clip of an elite swimmer which alot of people do.

    As if beginners are going to look anything like olympions.

  10. I sure do love these videos!

  11. My nose hurts when i swim :(

  12. I like just sitting at the bottom of the pool when its at least 10 ft deep

  13. I learned to swim last year at the age of 48. I have been working hard swimming 2-3 x week for 45 minutes each session at the lap pool at the YMCA, improving technique and endurance (now up to 1300 meters per session). I still need to pause after every 50-100 meters as I still get tired. I started swimming outside in some local lakes lately and had my husband videotape me swimming. I highly recommend this as you learn a lot about your swimming that you can't always tell when you are doing it on your own! My body was very nice and horizontal, legs were not sinking at all, arm stroke was good, but my head was almost completely underwater while swimming front crawl so that I had to slightly lift head to rotate to breath in as otherwise my face would not clear the water. I did it so subtly I had no idea I was doing that until I saw the video. It is something I am trying to fix now but I really have to concentrate to realize when I am doing it. So it can go the other way as far as looking down too much in the water instead of looking up too much. A slight forward gaze might be better than looking straight down.

  14. You are a good teacher sir! <3

  15. this man will teach you to swim!

  16. thank you very much for your time sir!

  17. really really clear …fantastic. now I understand something that no one had ever explained to me❤️

  18. I totally can tell you are a Trump supporter.


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