成人初学者游泳课程第二部分 – 流线型和在水中踢球 [英语][ Swimming Lessons]

这是多部分游泳课程系列。 巴拉吉是一个完全的初学者,他非常怕水。 他去年差点淹死。 在本视频中,我们将看到如何开始在水中移动。 巴拉吉将学习流线型姿势和踢法。 这将有助于巴拉吉在水中移动。 学习游泳观看这个如何游泳成人初学者视频。 初级游泳课。 学习游泳,初学者如何游泳,游泳变得容易游泳课程 如何学习成人游泳成人游泳课程


关于 Swimming Lessons

10 留言

  1. Can Someone tell me who is this coach and where he is located? Thank you

  2. I'd like to enroll myself to your class too. Where are you located coach?

  3. To everyone! You are beautiful just the way you look! You are important! You do have worth and meaning! I love you! You are important! You do not need to be skinny or have abs to be Beautiful! You are beautiful just the way you look! Never forget that! Always be loving and kind to everyone! Jesus loves you! Never forget that you are so beautiful and you do have meaning and worth! Everyone is beautiful! Never forget that! Always be nice and kind! Be loving! You are special! Never forget that you are beautiful and important and you have worth and meaning! Never forget this message!

  4. I want everyone to know you are beautiful! You do not need makeup to be beautiful! You do not need any adjustments to your beautiful Body! God made you look beautiful! Jesus loves you!

  5. Of course I had to like your video.

  6. Thank you for sharing this life saving gift because of your teaching mybe I will try learn to learn how to swim .I m very afraid of water .I was almost drawn two times in my child hood . From that time I given up to learn swimming. U given me hope thank you very much

  7. Balaji is one lucky student to learn swimming from you.. Where are you located can i pls join your swimming classes?

  8. Coach of the Year 2020.

    Very helpful. Thank you.

  9. Main video with Balaji is really helpful. I'm also very afraid of water and that video gave me confidence to learn swimming. I'll sure learn it

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