如何小狗划槳。 前爬式游泳訓練 | 游泳課 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

在這個視頻中,邁克教練將教我們如何進行小狗划槳游泳訓練。 小狗划槳也稱為前爬泳泳姿。 Doggy Paddle 是開始您的游泳之旅的好方法,因為您的頭部始終處於水面之外,而且它使您可以輕鬆地正常呼吸。 通過我們的游泳課程學習游泳技巧。 #frontcrawl #學習游泳


關於 Swimming Lessons

26 留言

  1. Some how I thought that the doggy paddle was much different technique more like the actual animal crawl. But I'll try it.

  2. I did my own doggy paddle when I was in kindergarten I did the doggy paddle when I was in 5ft and I could travel underwater doing the doggy paddle

  3. This is the only way i can swim
    Its so energy draining but i can go save my energy in one way lol

  4. YOUR A LEGEND the whole time i tried to do it i tried to keep my head up then u told me that our heads are like bowling balls so all that weight is pushing the body down which is what was happening to me lol i undertand now thanks

  5. My body has poor buoyancy but the doggy paddle works for me. Although I can't keep my head above water all the time I can come back up to take some breaths when needed. I believe the doggy paddle is a swimming skill anybody can learn if they cannot swim properly. It can be a life saver.

  6. If i had ur account was gonna send you 10dollars u saved me a lot of money on training i need to swim 50meters non stop

  7. I always sink in deep water when l gump can you help me

  8. How can we get in touch with him. I wonder if he does online coaching

  9. Thank you so much for your lesson. Subscribed!

  10. How to swim safely swimming.. please helping me. Sir po

  11. Thank you now i know how to dog paddle

  12. Did you hold your breath ? I try doing this and I just sink to the bottom

  13. Your are very specific. From india

  14. Because of you i now i tried to swim but not in the pool but in the river, my friends they teach me this style but i dont like it, it seem so hard for me as i know nothing about swimming, i like freestyle, please teach me who can i deal with the water in the river? Because i find out water in the pool and in the river they are bit different, in the river it flow and very hard to adjust the deep of the water, as a beginner i like your page so much, thank you so much for lot of information about swimming, i from your page i know i will be good swimmer one day

  15. 수영모 불편해서 빠진건가

  16. I tried the doggy paddle I feel as though it takes more energy then the other ways. Is it just me who thinks that? I will continue to practice it

  17. They should make the doggy paddle a competitive stroke in Olympics

  18. I don't know but the doggie paddle looks more complicated than the freestyle

  19. Why did you delete a lot of videos for beginners?


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