如何保持在水面上 – 輕鬆漂浮而不會筋疲力盡 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

在這個視頻中,邁克教練將向我們展示保持在水面上的有效方法。 當您精疲力竭時,漂浮或只是在水面上放鬆是一項非常重要的生存技能。 這項技術對於初學者了解為什麼事物會漂浮以及為什麼事物會下沉非常有用。 通過觀看這些如何游泳的視頻來學習游泳。 如何漂浮,如何漂浮在水中,如何游泳,如何漂浮,如何漂浮初學者,如何游泳初學者,如何在水中漂浮,游泳,學習如何漂浮,漂浮在你的背上


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10 留言

  1. Hi. Really learn alot from your lessons. Can you show us how to swim underwater. I tend to float no matter how hard I try to swim underwater

  2. Can you do one on treading water, as in being upright in deep water. It amazes me how people can do this so casually and have conversation while doing so.

  3. You are a super coach !!! Thank you !!

  4. Where are you located? I want to learn from you.

  5. it's really not quite that simple or easy, believe me i've been in this dilemna 60 years as a swimmer, coach, competitior , teacher. i've NEVER had any effective solutions and iv;e been around a long time.

  6. Ok thanks for sharing ❤️


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