他在不到 4 分钟的时间里改变了永远的游泳! [英语][Skills NT]

伊恩·索普 (Ian Thorpe) 在 2000 年代所做的事情永远改变了游泳教练的训练、比赛和技术风格。 在他之前,大多数游泳运动员都专注于尽可能多地划水。 在索普时代之后,我们训练和游泳的方式截然不同。 00:00 – 每个人都游得很糟糕 00:14 – 第一个记录 00:51 – 新纪录 01:08 – 悉尼 2000 02:53 – 世纪赛 04:27 – 游泳技巧 Ian Thorpe 赢得男子 400 米自由泳决赛 | 悉尼 2000 菲尔普斯 vs 索普 vs van den Hoogenband – 2004 雅典男子自由泳 200m | 我们的旱地频道:游泳营:加入我们的 Discord(游泳社区):如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页:Tik tok:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:Instragram:Facebook:感谢观看! 游得快! .


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

32 留言

  1. Ian Thorpe was real life Aquaman.

  2. Thorpedo, as we was known around these parts

  3. Isnt he looking alittle like Zlatan Ibrahimovic?

  4. He was also the only one wearing a full body suit!

  5. If the 400 free isn't your favourite event in swimming then you're weird

  6. Nice, I always wondered where this glide technique came from. Thanks! Now, about fly, if the kick is so powerful, has anyone tried a 3 beat fly kick instead of the standard two? What would happen?

  7. This is how we swam back in hr fifties and sixties.Breaststroke should lie prone and just lift the head and pull UNDER the body, not a wide sweep.

  8. Ian Thorpe has the biggest feet in swimming bruh

  9. Ian Thorpe hacía una flecha distinta a lo que hoy vemos, al entrar al agua y en cada vuelta. Interesante!

  10. For Christ sake, stop talking about records and explain the technique!

  11. Worth noting his big feet took longer to do 3 cycles of kicking. It maybe isn’t faster for everyone to do this?

  12. this swimmer looks like Zlatan Ibrahimovic

  13. it takes a lifetime to change the world in 4 minutes.

  14. windmill vs superglide, glide wins
    torpedo vs two beats , two beats win

  15. Did they ban those swimsuits? If not, why aren't people using them in the Olympics this year??

  16. Two comments :
    – Thorpe's kicking engine must be far more powerful than competitors, which can explain the gliding
    – Can you guide me to an analysis of SUN Yang which has very arm-rotation compared to others on the 1500 m ?

  17. I thought they were rappers especially that introduction rather than swimmers

  18. Dude, you REALLY need to put in more work into the video editing. What are the technique differences you talked about? No idea beside the stroke frequency.

  19. Still…. There is no one like Yelena Isinbaeva! Watch some video about her. Women has broke the world record 27 or 28 times. Man… she is something special. I think that no one ever will beat hear. She is QUEEN of sports!

  20. Ian Thorpe looks like a young Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Go look up how Zlatan looked when he was in his 20s

  21. Michael Phelps…yes he did!!!! The GOAT!!!

  22. Such an informative and well put together video. Thank you!

  23. Actually i did that too. So does it means i can swim as fast too? Haha.

  24. He looks a bit like Ibrahimovic

  25. when I was a agonistic swimmer in the 80's ( :) ) this idea to slip more efficiently in the water while trying to reduce the frequency of the strokes and save energy was already known in all the four styles (I was breaststroke swimmer), as it is in some way automatic as soon as the swimmer becomes stronger and faster. The problem is the need to have an excellent hydrodynamic to slip (the trim swim and the suite) and very strong legs to maintain the thrust during the no-traction phase of the stroke… and this makes the difference between Thorpe and the others.
    Leg's muscles are very strong but also consume a lot of energy because the movement (the kick) is not so natural and a swimmer may easily "collapse" if he abuses of them. In addition to keep the body balanced in the water arms and legs must move synchronously. This means that if frequency is decreased legs oscillation (the kick) is slower and also the thrust is less…. going slower.
    last but not least if the swimmer is not in front the waves created by the others disturb more the trim swim and increasing effort to correct it and resistance in the water (ref. laminar flow vs turbulent flow)
    This to say that this technique is not for all.

  26. man the talent in that race wow

  27. A YouTube recommendation that was actually worth it!

  28. The sound volume is very inconsistent trough the video, hope you got a fix for the next one you put out!

  29. I didn't mention Thorpe's swimsuit because I made a whole video about it! https://youtu.be/4n1s47GWhmI

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