向后呼吸 :: Freestyle Friday #1 – 游泳技巧 [英语][Skills NT]

今天的小窍门叫做向后呼吸。 在自由泳中,一个常见的错误是将头伸出太远而无法呼吸。 这会让你的腿下沉,你的手可能会交叉,你会向下拉以保持漂浮。 要修复它试试这个。 与其向前看或向上看天花板,不如试着向后看。 这将为您提供更多的呼吸空间,因为您的头部会产生波浪,而您的嘴将位于波浪的低点。 由于您的头部正好在水面上,因此您可以更轻松地继续划水。 你的身体也会保持在一条更水平的线上,从而减少正面阻力并帮助你游得更快。 今天是这个频道激动人心的实验的第一天。 我们将每天发布一个视频,直到本月底。 这些是一周中每一天的节目。 如果这个实验进展顺利,给大家带来更多的价值,我们会尽快继续每天做一个视频。 我预先录制了这个视频,但现在我们在泰国的游泳营地,帮助游泳者变得更好! 因此,如果您喜欢每天制作新技能和人才视频的想法,请给我们留言和点赞,这对我们有很大帮助。 如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:Instragram:Facebook:感谢观看! 游得快!


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

22 留言

  1. Não entendo nada do que você fala, mas compreendo seus ensinamentos. muito obrigado!

  2. I love your videos. They are endlessly helpful

  3. Great tip! I will try this as I definitely lift head too much and my legs sink. Thank you for making such lovely clear videos ☺️

  4. Loving these short, to the point, tips. Oh and the jokey alliterative homages to Feedback Friday on Effortless Swimming!

  5. how long should a swim session last, i get cramps after 1 hour and a half in the pool.

  6. Seria Bueno se hablasse un poquito de espanol. Pues no compriendo ingles

  7. Coach told me to look my shoulder, and that works as good af haha

  8. Snappy to the point, I like it!

  9. Yes, this is a great idea. Can hardly wait.

  10. Make sure to activate the bell icon (notification bell) if you don't want to miss our 30 videos this month! (If you are on your phone, allow notification for youtube)

  11. Like the idea of everyday video!

  12. It's also important to purse your lips to the side so you gurantee water doesn't get in your mouth.

  13. Si pero sería mejor en Español… Espero con ansias y saludos desde guerrero México

  14. great, how good a video of you every day, are very good

  15. Hey skills how to swim the 200 fly? By 50

  16. great value. Though I can't instantly apply it, cause I'm not training everyday…

  17. My favorite days will be monday and wednesday for sure.
    Please do some more butterfly videos <3

  18. Wow very good video! i watch from japan haha

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