与水下无人机一起游泳 :: Gladius Mini [英语][Skills NT]

他们给我们送来了一架水上无人机! 或者带相机的迷你潜艇,随便你怎么称呼它。 Chasing 公司向我们发送了他们最新版本的水上无人机 Gladius mini。 我不得不说我印象深刻。 免责声明:我们没有为无人机付费,他们同意让我们进行诚实的审查,此外,如果您在点击后 30 天内通过描述中的链接购买 Gladius Mini,我们将收取少量费用。 相机功能非常出色。 在某些重要方面,它们比 GoPro 更好。 它有 4k 视频,您可以在屏幕上直接调整。 您可以调整色调、对比度、锐度和比特率。 在 1080p 意味着高清视频中,您甚至可以控制每秒帧数。 您可以达到每秒 120 帧,因此您可以真正以慢动作显示每个动作。 GoPro 7 相机优于 Gladius 迷你相机的两个主要方面是它通过软件自行稳定视频,并且每秒高达 240 帧。 但是,由于无人机几乎可以自行稳定,因此不需要额外的稳定性。 此外,如果您想放慢速度并显示细节,每秒 120 帧就足够了。 由于其独特的功能,我们肯定会在下一个游泳训练营中使用它来纠正技术并获得惊人的镜头。 如果您是教练或在游泳队中,并且您认为您的团队可以从其中之一中受益,请单击下面的链接。 或者,如果您有任何水上无人机问题,请联系我们 [email protected] 我忘了提一件事……玩起来非常有趣! 一会儿见! 购买 Gladius Mini:由 Neo CHASING GLADIUS MINI 水下无人机在 Youtube Mauritius 上的其他 Gladius 视频 | 湖泊探索哥本哈根丹麦 ENVOYER UN DRONE SOUS MARIN DANS L’OCÉAN ! 【探索】Gladius Mini CHASING GLADIUS MINI水下无人机| 蓝水潜水员在 Gran Canaria Gladius mini 北极测试、深度测试和光照测试中的 UGC 含量。 ROV 全高清水下无人机发现德国二战飞机碎片。 短剑迷你。 泰国 。


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

15 留言

  1. but how to do underwater swimming????when i start making strokes inside water i directly come back on surface..

  2. Can anyone recommend a good application for android device or a desktop app with which I can track my swim and calisthenic traings at the same time? If not, can someone advise which application should I use to track / record my swim traing results? Thanks in advance.

  3. There would be pool noodles in the pool lmao

  4. A really great idea for underwater filming. I agree that it needs a top mount lens for filming, and probably one that moves. I checked out the price, around $1600, and it is not out of range for the elite swimmers, and big clubs, but probably beyond what most can afford for smaller swim clubs. If they are serious about hitting the swimming market, they may be able to lower the price with a different model that can take water pressure down to 10 meters and have a lens or two, one front mount and one top mount maybe with maybe 180 degree rotation….. I would buy one for my pool. There are a number of other drones, but this one looks like the best…. No fair, you get all the cool toys sent to you……

  5. I want it but I think that it is so expensive

  6. Very cool, keep working. This channel is very fun for me. Keep spirit

  7. Can you pls make a video about breathing patterns for freestyle and freestyle

  8. You are my favourite YouTuber!
    You’ve helped me sooo much with my technique and now I swim competitively thanks to your great videos! KEEP IT UP
    Also if you see this shout me out pls at DoeDeo scratch.mit.edu

  9. Bro what's your 50m time

  10. Can you check for issue with english subtitle? Thank you for nice video btw!!!

  11. There are better inventions .

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