离开游泳池的 12 种方法。 [英语][Skills NT]

谁说游泳不好玩? 好吧,他们可能是对的,但事实并非如此……但我们总能找到在游泳池里玩乐的方法。 这里有一个小证明。 如果您想要更多的游泳乐趣,请查看这些链接:我们的 Patreon 页面! 如果您想在一张图片中学习我们的课程,请在 pinterest 上关注我们。 如果你想和我们的模因一起笑,请在 Instagram 上关注我们。 如果您使用 twitter 或 facebook,我们也在那里! Skills NT Shop:订阅我们的电子邮件列表:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:成为我们的 Patreon:


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

18 留言

  1. The swimanom roll turn out is the way forwards.

  2. The Captain Jack Sparrow

  3. Then you have the high wall pools were you have to be a bodybuilder to get out

  4. I'm 11, 9 or 1 depending on the day. I wanna see Spiderman from the deep end…lol

  5. There's another way to exit by using the handstand technique from calisthenics

  6. Lmfao!!! I’m doing these at the next pool party!! Childhood memories!!

  7. The real classy one is the two feet wonder!

  8. You forgot the "Beached Whale".

  9. Hahahaha BTW 13. you can always use the pool ladder.

  10. Wait which pool is it?? Seems familiar to me… tricentenario?? Nah, I don’t think this was recorded on chihuahua…. or was it?? Because I’m from chihuahua and have competed in tricentenario plenty of times and I could swear it’s that pool, it’s identical, but still not sure 100%….. damn, if this turns out to be true, how cool!!

  11. I’m definitely the one leg wonder

  12. We all know that everyone's watching the "hope no one's watching" I blame my friends for not letting me do the "Jack sparrow" one.

  13. 12. The Jack Sparrow
    11. The Sea Lion
    10. The Spiderman
    9. The "I hope no one is watching."
    8. The "take me out coach"
    7. The too-much-energy kid
    6. The swimanom Roll
    5. The #SwimBuddy
    4. The One Leg Wonder
    3. The Wing Man
    2. The Sit and Dine
    1. The No Hands-ish*

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