邁克爾菲爾普斯擊球技術的現場分析 [英語]

向 GOAT 本人學習如何提高自己的自由泳技術……邁克爾菲爾普斯! _______________________________________ 加入我們的 Facebook 社區:➡️ ⬅️ 獲取票價手冊:➡️ ⬅️ 推薦的游泳裝備 ➡️ ⬅️ 千萬不要錯過#SwimTip! 訂閱:➡️⬅️對於鼓舞人心的故事,訂閱我們的社區頻道! ➡️ ⬅️ ________________________________________ Michael Phelps 蝴蝶分析 ➡️ ⬅️ Caeleb Dressel 自由泳分析 ➡️ ⬅️ Adam Peaty 蛙泳分析 ➡️ ⬅️ Katinka Hosszú IM 中風技術分析 ➡️ ⬅️ ____________________________________________ 如需更多有用的游泳技巧,請在我們所有的社交渠道上關注 @MySwimPro:博客:Facebook:Instagram : Twitter: SoundCloud: TikTok: MySwimPro 全球社區組: ____________________________________________ MySwimPro 是全球游泳運動員排名第一的應用程序,擁有超過 100 萬全球社區成員! 180 多個國家/地區的游泳者使用 MySwimPro 跟蹤他們的鍛煉並遵循個性化的游泳訓練計劃、視頻練習以改進技術,並使用高級分析來跟蹤他們的進度。 MySwimPro 可以在 iOS 和 Android 上免費下載,並與最流行的智能手錶兼容。 MySwimPro 被 Apple 評為年度最佳手錶應用程序,並在《體育畫報》和其他國際出版物中出現。 ____________________________________________ 關於 Fares Ksebati: Fares 是 MySwimPro 的聯合創始人兼首席執行官。 他是國際公認的游泳教練、美國游泳教練協會會員和美國鐵人三項認證教練。 Fares 是 3 次美國游泳大師賽全國冠軍,並參加過國際泳池和公開水域比賽。 他熱衷於幫助人們實現個人健身和生活目標! 在社交媒體上關注他:@Fares Ksebati – MySwimPro 的首席執行官


關於 MySwimPro

利用MySwimPro釋放您的全部潛能-游泳者的第一大游泳和旱地訓練應用程序! 加入我們的全球游泳者社區,他們將通過我們量身定製的鍛煉,訓練計劃,教育視頻,分析和一對一輔導來進行訓練。 通過我們的個性化培訓計劃,MySwimPro是滿足您獨特培訓需求的最先進的應用程序。 非常適合每位游泳者-高級選手,健身迷,初學者,鐵人三項運動員等等!

20 留言

  1. The 1:50 is a QUESTION: How do you get there??

  2. The high ellbow doens't matter, the low hand, not too far from the center bodyline is that matters, because so just little disdirected levers disturbs forward thrust, and mass weights moving more in the correct bos line, possibly accurate with and against the generally forward direction.
    I call that the "Inline" technique or principle, which is a important part of my own created VITS-Principle as a new at all dryland learning and exercising Principle.

  3. What should I do if I am hyper extended my arm after the high elbow catch while pulling

  4. Can you have a white shirt with blue logo?

  5. There's a lot to learn from u sir..

  6. Water is 800 times more dense than air, at this point put it in the intro xD

  7. Phelps è il re ha delle gambe che forse nessuno avrà mai nel nuoto vinceva tutto sempre, ha una tecnica fantastica che gli consente di risparmiare energie e fare quelle virate che spaccano in due le gare e annientano chi è di fianco, gli altri nuotatori come mettono i bracci non fà testo non possono essere paragonati a 23 ori olimpici, il resto à nulla……..

  8. dry land xcise: row boat (think it's called this) weighted pull + elbows at side adjust weight sitting body length fix abs on seat and focus on biceps

  9. learning butter fly stroke – really appreciate you're help ~ thanks!

  10. I'm sorry I missed it live

  11. Dolphin is a body motion,not a kick

  12. What about the strait arm recovery? Example: Morozov and other records setting swimmers? Elbow doesn't have to be above the hand all the time.

  13. I bet this guy could be my swim coach, and I would become on Olympian

  14. Can you do an analysis of nathan adrians freestyle

  15. 8:20 ish. He swims with quite a S-shaped pull compared to the guy next to him?

  16. I love MySwimPro and all your explanations on the screen, easy to see where do I need to focus to improve my technique


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