視訊播放器https://pic.swiml.com/2019/07/FREESTYLESWIMMING5MOSTCOMMONMISTAKES2019.mp4Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found下載檔案: https://pic.swiml.com/2019/07/FREESTYLESWIMMING5MOSTCOMMONMISTAKES2019.mp4?_=100:0000:0000:00使用向上/向下鍵以提高或降低音量。 自由游最常见的5个错误2019 FREESTYLE SWIMMING- 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES (2019) lswim 2019年7月11日 自由泳 690 浏览量 自由游最常见的5个错误2019 FREESTYLE SWIMMING- 5 MOST COMMON MISTAKES (2019), 英语无翻译2019版。 相关推荐: 蛙泳腿常见的几个错误动作 Common mistakes in the legs when swimming breaststroke! (24) 自由式常见五个手部动作问题点及改善方法The 5 most common mistakes of Freestyle posture of hands. (25) 自由式常见四个身体动作问题点及改善方法The 5 most common mistakes of Freestyle posture of body. 自由式常见四个头部动作问题点及改善方法The 4 most common mistakes of Freestyle posture of head.(重传) 自由泳训练动作&Freestyle Swimming Drills 自由泳抓水感觉应该是怎样的 自由泳入门-自由泳侧踢-the point of swimming 自由泳髋部转动的时机 三步修正自由泳转体过度