- 游泳初學者自由泳入門,打腿教學!Getting started with freestyle swimming for beginners, kicking teaching!
- 自由泳入門,打腿配合換氣練習 Getting started with freestyle , kicking and breathing exercises
- 自由泳入門,手臂動作與換氣配合教學Getting started with freestyle,Teaching of arm movements and breathing
- 自由泳入門,高肘抱水及曲肘移臂2 Getting started with freestyle,High elbow hold water and elbow move arm
- 自由泳入門,高肘抱水及曲肘移臂 Getting started with freestyle,High elbow hold water and elbow move arm
- 游泳練習生教學系列自由泳1 Swimming beginner freestyle teaching1
- 游泳練習生教學系列自由泳2 自由泳身體散怎麼搞,陸上力量不能少! Swimming beginner freestyle teaching2
- 游泳練習生教學系列自由泳3 配合游不好,分解先整明白!Swimming beginner freestyle teaching3
- 游泳跳出發教學第一課 swimming jump start teaching.