- 蛙泳腿陆上动作教学!Breaststroke leg movement teaching on land
- 蛙泳提高系列第三课,针对蛙泳腿部力量强化训练 Breaststroke leg strength for intensive training
- 游泳初学者的第二课蛙泳腿练习 Breaststroke leg exercises Chinese
- 蛙泳腿伤膝盖吗?为什么总是膝盖痛?Does the breaststroke leg hurt the knee? Why is the knee pain always?
- 蛙泳为啥一换气就沉下去!!别慌,问题就出在这里!大家来对号入座哈哈哈!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe?
- 蛙泳初学者不敢抬头换气咋办!What to do if you don’t dare to raise your head for breath in breaststroke
- 蛙泳为啥一换气就沉下去!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe!chinese
- 蛙泳手部常见的错误动作 Common mistakes in the hands during breaststroke!
- 蛙泳进阶,波蛙教学!大家平蛙熟练之后再学波蛙哦 Advanced breaststroke, wave frog teaching!