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14 留言

  1. Great analysis! Just a note, her back to breast turn is actually a crossover turn, not a bucket turn.

  2. Simon Mitchell, Ironlady for sure, 100% not a natural swimmer but has developed and worth a look into.

  3. lam so willing to watch that video you said why we should bend our body while start in swim what advantage it has in our record as always impressive

  4. Great Analysis. What app do you use to draw on top of the video, highlight angles 4:46 , draw arrows etc. ?? its pretty awesome.

  5. Another champion butterflyer that breathes every stroke. I am so confused, surely raising your head less should be better.
    My kids biggest improvement came after changing from every 2nd to every 3rd. Should i tell him to change it or are the rules different for amateurs and pros? Are there any good butterflyers who don't breathe often?

  6. I've been watching your analysis videos and I think that they're pretty shallow.
    There are no references to SI (Stroke Index), SR (Stroke Rate), SL (Stroke Length), Velocity and FI (Fatigue Index) in any of these videos. These are the factors that indicate swimming efficiency and what you have to investigate in order to have results about the technical efficiency of a swimmer. Making technical analysis without them, is pretty much an incomplete work. Furthermore, you mostly talking about what we see outside the water, the non – propulsive movements (most of the times with no specific order, if you consider that we tend to start from head and then going downwards) although the whole propulsive movement of hands, is taking place underwater. I mean what about the most important, underwater phases, like catch or press?
    About legs, the upward movement of leg kick isn't consider as a propulsive movement, it's just stabilises the core and brings legs into the right place for the next movement which is the propulsive one and it's downwards, so in most cases big bend means big forward force in dolphin kicks. The fact that some swimmers don't bend their legs too much, during dolphin kicks, it doesn't generates an general observation that you don't have to bend your knees to much to create strong horizontal force.
    These are my personal thoughts and observations on what it can be improved on your analysis videos. I hope you take them into consideration.

  7. she is totally amazing and not as young as some of the other swimmers but still able to maintain her dominance; yes shes the IRON LADY

  8. Once again you did analysis excellent. Congratulations!

  9. She definitely is upto being the IRON LADY… And thank you so much myswimpro for making such informative videos…

  10. She's the most complete swimmer I've ever seen,she absolutely deserves the nickname Iron Lady

  11. She's amazing!! So strong!

  12. Katinka is incredible! Her versatility is amazing! At the SC World Championships in Windsor, I watched her transition from the 400 IM to 200 FLY to 200 BK and many more events in a snap! #IRONLADY

  13. She is so strong! A true IM queen


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