蛙泳是一種流行的游泳方式,享受游泳對於設置正確的技術至關重要! 遵循這些步驟,您的技術將躋身世界前 10% 的游泳運動員之列! 1)在划水開始時抓水,在高肘位置進行臂劃。 2) 踢腿較寬,雙膝併攏。 3) 在手向前返回時進行踢球。 4) 踢腿後,游泳者應舉起並滑行,雙手夾在手臂之間。 音樂: Nicolai Heidlas Music 炫彩點SUPER EXTENDED – 快樂尤克里里伴奏。
標籤swimup 初學者蛙泳 學蛙泳 蛙泳 蛙泳快速而簡單的教程英語乾貨滿滿SwimUp 蛙泳技術 蛙泳技術教程
Good body
Thank you! Very clear teaching.
This style seems extremely counterintuitive for surface swimming. It seems to make way more sense underwater because other styles fail.
I look at it and I find it unlikely that someone would naturally swim like that on the surface without being taught to.
Good video. My trouble is the 「catch」 part of the stroke. I can』t get a decent enough bend at the elbow to launch my chest out of the water. Don』t doubt flexibility is a problem at the shoulder joint, but I can mimic it outside of the water. Underwater while performing the stroke is a different story. I get a small bend at the elbow and if I get a better bend at the elbow it slows my momentum and knocks me off balance. Is this purely a flexibility problem at the shoulder joint and what drills can be done to improve this?
могу обосновать плохое плавание!
Wow the logo. Simply awesome
thanks a lot. very useful tips are found
breast stroke is most under-rater swimming style nowadays
but it helps alot in open water swimming and underwater modified version
Like this comment if u hate butterfly, and btw, rlly good vid, thx.
Thanks man
Best video on breaststroke technique I』ve watched on YouTube so far! Thank you.
I thought it was a butterfly video by looking at the photo
Thanks a lot.
I could find my faults of breaststroke watching this video.
But I cannot rise up to the surface of water highly after catching water.
Would you give me a tip?
Well done!
nice video, good gliding, thanks!
Fantastic video!