欢迎来到星期三的白板,在今天的一集中,我们将为高级游泳者分享5个自由泳练习! 无论您是刚开始游泳还是已经游泳多年,改善泳姿技巧都是最重要的事情之一,不仅可以加快速度,而且可以使身体更好地锻炼,燃烧更多的卡路里,减少受伤的机会,当然,乐在其中! 推荐的游泳装备查看完整博客:
您是否正在训练铁人三项? 看看MyTriPro! 订阅
______________________________________________如何在泳池中游泳| 白板星期三
如何游泳完美自由泳| 白板星期三
____________________________________________ MySwimPro-世界上发展最快的运动的第一健身应用程序! 自2014年以来,我们一直致力于通过游泳帮助各个级别的游泳者过上更加幸福和健康的生活。 如今,超过180个国家/地区的游泳者使用MySwimPro屡获殊荣的移动和可穿戴应用程序访问个性化游泳锻炼计划,训练计划,教育训练和视频,高级分析,并记录和跟踪他们的进度。 MySwimPro可在iOS和Android智能手机和可穿戴设备上访问,并且可以免费开始使用。 它被评为“年度Apple Watch App”,并在《体育画报》等其他国际出版物中得到推荐。 ____________________________________________________________有关更多有用的提示和游泳指南,请访问我们的其他渠道! 博客:Facebook:Instagram:Twitter:SoundCloud:TikTok:
标签5个高级游泳运动员训练 MySwimPro 白板星期三英语
@myswimpro i would like to know if you are an advanced swimmer how long it takes you to improve better or feel any difference while applying these drills?
(just wondering, nicer answer needed)
May I ask what does"@"exactly mean?
Does it combine with both swimming and rest time or swimming only?
Thank you
I’ll be doing the underwater freestyle as soon as I’m next in the pool. That looks like a workout and a half! Brilliant as ever Fares.
Great videos man! Love it! Got so pumped up to go to pool and train! Thank you sir very much!
hi could you make a lesson about straight arm freestyle for sprinter, how to avoid shoulder injuries? should i keep the arm straight also in the pull phase?
Good video. Just drop a like. Checkout "Workout Wednesday" video. Power HIP THRUST complex circuit video is up
I love sharing these drills with swimmers. Don't let the title of the video throw you off. Most swimmers can at least attempt these drills and even if they're difficult, at the very least they're tons of fun!
Watching your videos makes me wanna go to the pool every day! Fantastic channel! I practiced so much your advice today! So great!
Nice drills!
omg that underwater freestyle looks hard