自由泳時如何呼吸 – 初級游泳第五課 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

在本視頻中,我們將學習自由泳游泳時的呼吸技巧。 在游泳任何泳姿時,呼吸都是最具挑戰性的任務。 正確的技巧對於學習有效的呼吸非常重要。 通過觀看這些如何游泳的視頻來學習游泳。 游泳呼吸練習,游泳時如何呼吸,初學者呼吸,呼吸技巧,如何在水下呼吸,如何在游泳時呼吸,sikana,教程,如何,如何游泳,恐水症,如何在水中呼吸,如何游泳時在水中呼吸,如何在水中呼吸 minecraft 學習如何在水中呼吸對於初學者游泳者來說非常具有挑戰性。 在這個視頻中,邁克教練將教我們初學者正確的呼吸技巧。 我們將學習如何做bobs來增加我們的肺活量,如何頻繁呼吸和正確的吸氣呼氣方法。 確保練習並告訴我們您在游泳時是否有任何呼吸問題。 游泳呼吸技巧,游泳呼吸技巧初學者,游泳呼吸技巧初學者印地語,游泳呼吸技巧,游泳呼吸兩側,游泳呼吸練習,游泳呼吸技巧自由泳,游泳呼吸技巧初學者泰盧固語,游泳呼吸輔助,游泳呼吸焦慮,游泳呼吸配件, 游泳初學者呼吸, 蝶泳呼吸技巧, 游泳基礎呼吸, 仰泳游泳呼吸技巧, 初學者自由泳呼吸, 游泳前爬式呼吸, 呼吸控制游泳, 游泳時正確呼吸, 呼吸協調游泳, 游泳呼吸練習, 初學者游泳呼吸練習, 游泳呼吸器, 自由泳時呼吸, 游泳時呼吸, 長距離游泳呼吸技巧, 橫膈膜呼吸游泳, 陸地游泳呼吸練習, 游泳呼吸永遠 y 2劃,每3劃游泳呼吸,每4劃游泳呼吸,初學者游泳呼吸練習,輕鬆游泳呼吸,水下游泳呼吸練習,初學者游泳呼吸,自由泳游泳呼吸,自由泳呼吸呼吸技巧,游泳呼吸技巧,游泳呼吸面罩,gtn游泳呼吸,帶呼吸管的游泳鏡,優雅的自由泳呼吸,踢板游泳呼吸,初學者游泳呼吸課程,學習游泳呼吸技巧,游泳課程自由泳呼吸,圈游泳呼吸技巧,游泳課程呼吸,游泳圈呼吸, 游泳呼吸嘴或鼻子, 游泳呼吸面罩, 游泳呼吸慢動作, 游泳呼吸鼻子或嘴巴, 硝基游泳呼吸, 鼻子呼吸游泳, 技能nt 游泳呼吸, 游泳不呼吸, 通過鼻子呼吸, 游泳呼吸鼻子或嘴 , 游泳呼吸一側, 開放水域游泳呼吸技巧, 開放水域游泳呼吸問題, 游泳時呼氣, 游泳呼吸模式, 游泳呼吸管, 游泳呼吸問題, 正確的游泳呼吸, 游泳呼吸練習, 游泳教程。 呼吸。 第1部分,正確的游泳呼吸技巧,旋轉呼吸游泳,節奏呼吸游泳,自由泳呼吸呼吸,海泳呼吸呼吸技術,游泳自由泳兩側呼吸,海泳呼吸,2泳姿呼吸游泳,游泳呼吸技巧初學者馬拉雅拉姆語,游泳呼吸計時, 水下游泳呼吸, 水下游泳不呼吸, 水下游泳呼吸管, 水下游泳呼吸技巧, 游泳時呼吸, 游泳時呼吸自由泳, 水中呼吸游泳, 游泳時呼吸技巧, 無呼吸游泳, 游泳101呼吸


關於 Swimming Lessons

8 留言

  1. I'm a fairly good swimmer but I can't put my head under because I always get water up my nose. As a teen I would wear those dorky nose plugs and got picked on that even in my adulthood I rather just keep my head above water but it def makes it harder to swim…help!! How do you not get water up the nose!?!?

  2. I am learning to swim – without a teacher due to COVID- but this is very very inspirational! I can't wait to swim like this!

  3. To everyone! You are beautiful just the way you look! You are important! You do have worth and meaning! I love you! You are important! You do not need to be skinny or have abs to be Beautiful! You are beautiful just the way you look! Never forget that! Always be loving and kind to everyone! Jesus loves you! Never forget that you are so beautiful and you do have meaning and worth! Everyone is beautiful! Never forget that! Always be nice and kind! Be loving! You are special! Never forget that you are beautiful and important and you have worth and meaning! Never forget that you are meaningful and never forget this message you saw today! Never forget it! Always love others! Alway love! Be positive! And nice! Never forget that! Cutie! ALways love and care! Be loving and positive! All the time! Stay positive and loving and caring!

  4. First time SWIMMING – really swimming, no kickboards/floats – 3 lengths today. THIS VIDEO and less than an hour's worth of vids from Coach @Nitro are what did it for me. Two weeks- 3 private swim lessons at the Y and 1+hr daily practice – didn't get it. Coach did.

  5. this indian student talks way too much shit. Just listen and do it properly jesus

  6. Fantastic upload! Correct breathing techniques are really important especially for those struggling with anxiety and panic attacks because they actually work! Keep up the great work!

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